A photo from open sources
Mysterious phenomena have been observed recently in US state of Texas. Mysterious glow previously reported and sonic booms in the sky, as well as the strange trembling of the earth. A recently received information that in five central districts state suddenly began to ignite the electric poles. Cause fires have not yet been established. According to employee Department of Public Security, pillars began to explode in Thursday at about the same time – around 4 a.m. Fires sprouted at the top of the pillars Except for the scene firefighters left and representatives of the energy company. One of They suggested that fires could be caused by the accumulation of dust in transformers, and short circuits with low-level fogs. But this could serve as an explanation if it were a single case. But in each of the districts from 20 to 35 caught fire electric poles! Meanwhile, residents of affected districts connect these fires with abnormal previously observed in Texas phenomena – in particular, mysterious light flashes and sound peals in the sky. By the way, in ancient chronicles often there are references to “fiery horsemen”, “heavenly flame” and other fire related phenomena. Back in 106 BC giant red crows soared above Rome. Annalistic the testimony reads: “They carried hot coals in their beaks. Coals fell down and set fire to houses. Half of Rome was embraced fires. “In the Middle Ages, flaming birds appeared over France and Portugal. The local population mistook them for spirits fire. Sometimes the peasants even sacrificed animals and part of them to them. the crop. It is possible that in this way the Slavic legends of mystical fire snakes that not only suited fires, but were also supposedly able to have sex with by women. Some magicians and alchemists tried to intentionally call fire demons whom they called elementals. They believed that power over fiery spirits will help them gain supernatural abilities. But this did not always end well. So, already in ours time famous English astrologer Peter Wesy was found dead in your room. His skin turned black and charred, but there wasn’t no signs of fire can be seen … parapsychologist Vincent Gaddis. He found that Wesie was trying to enter in contact with the elementals, which caused by magic practitioner … Didn’t the spirits kill the unfortunate? In the mid 80s of the last century, the capital of Puerto Rico, San Juan swept an epidemic of strange fires. Fire fell from the sky to the houses, and through for several minutes the building was completely engulfed in flames. Many people died … Before the fires, the inhabitants of San Juan saw in the sky huge fire birds. According to eyewitnesses, their wingspan reached 4 meters, and feathers replaced them with flames … Unfortunately, for some reason, this evidence of the eyewitnesses of the authorities was not taken seriously. The Spanish managed to see these “birds” with their own eyes Researcher Salvador Forksedo. Fire birds appeared before dawn over the roofs of houses. In the air, the smell spilled ozone. The birds flew very low, and then suddenly disappeared. Forkedo took some pictures, but subsequently all the frames turned out to be illuminated … At the same time, they began to find the dead on the island livestock with traces of incomprehensible burns and with cut out, like a laser, tongues. In addition, under unclear circumstances missing a few people. This caused a panic among the population: rumors spread of a mysterious chupacabra monster attacking animals and people … authorities sent fire brigades to Puerto Rico, police and rescue workers. The nightmare lasted several weeks, but then the fires stopped by themselves. Already mentioned above Vincent Gaddis believes that this is a form of life, existing on Earth in parallel with protein, possibly plasma origin. According to the researcher, these creatures possess a certain intellect, in addition, the ability to transform. Well, this is also a version, especially if specialists are not able to explain an incomprehensible phenomenon … Margarita Troitsyna
Bird Time Fires