Elixirs of Longevity from Mechnikov and Pilgrim

Elixirs of Longevity from Mechnikov and BogomoletsA photo from open sources

In 2013, scientists from Tomsk and Novosibirsk achieved, according to reviews foreign colleagues, the impossible. Developed a drug stimulating the work of stem cells, which has become a real tool rejuvenation of the human body.

And what even inveterate skeptics have no doubt about, in the near in the future this will significantly extend life, at the most cautious forecasts up to 100, 150 years. In this case, the drug in the form tablets or injections, called G5, for the price will be accessible even to people with a small income.

Clinical trials of G5 have shown its high efficiency. Something similar was observed, based on several other technological principles, but strangely similar, in the experiments of two Russian geniuses – Nobel laureate Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov and Stalin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor, Alexander Alexandrovich Bogomolets.

And Mechnikov, who passed away in 1916, and the Bogomolets, who died in 1946, considering that aging, like any disease, it is possible to defeat, they put experiments to extend life on themselves, achieving amazing results.

Practical Steps to Create an Elixir of “Extremely Essential” building life activity “Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov did after of having left a professorship in protest against the reactionary policy of the tsarist government in the field of education. Leaving the capital, he moved to a warm, well-fed provincial Odessa, where he organized the first in the country on his own savings private station for the control of infectious diseases. Helper he became Nikolai Fedorovich Gamaleya, microbiologist and epidemiologist, future academician, laureate of the Stalin Prize, who made an invaluable the contribution of healthcare, above all, to the fight against epidemics and pandemics.

It was Gamaleia who brought to us evidence that he himself in 1886 weakly believed in victory over natural aging, but later, when Mechnikov, already working at the Pasteur Laboratory in Paris, brought to him the first encouraging results of his experiments, moved to the Allied camp.

“Mechnikov had serum. And he did not compile it in any way Bulgarian kefir sourdough, which rightly promoted and consumed as a “cleansing element of the body”, giving a vigorous health. As far as I am aware, Mechnikov used himself extracts from the genital glands of dogs or wolves, making injections. On the to himself, he tried the stem cells of female postpartum material. It had a convincing, even explosive effect. Something like explosive euphoria that played a terrifying joke. Organism rejected someone else’s. As a result, a series of heart attacks. ”

Gamaleya, cautious, nevertheless agrees with Mechnikov that that stem cells, if they are energetically dosed drug replenishment, able to provide enviable health, make a longer scale of youth.

Stalin’s assistant Poskrebyshev recalled that when he got up the question of creating in the USSR a scientific center for gerontology problems, the head of the Soviet state instructed to solve the complex the unprecedented challenges of fighting too early deaths are Pious The reasons for the choice of the Bogomolets, according to Poskrebyshev, were some. The main thing is that the Bogomolets was the creator of called antireticular cytoxic serum – effective means of treating trophic ulcers and gunshot wounds, widely used in hospitals of World War II.

He was also the author of donor conservation technologies. blood, who realized that the first blood group is universal for everyone person. Human-to-human transfusion techniques developed A pilgrim, practiced unchanged today.

In addition, Alexander Alexandrovich possessed so much versatile knowledge in various scientific fields that brought an invaluable contribution to the creation of atomic weapons, made a lot for defense industry. When, having modernized the ideas of Mechnikov and own father – before the revolution of the zemstvo doctor – released a mass circulation of the brochure “Extending Life”, followed immediately invitation to the Kremlin, to Stalin.

The conversation between the leader and the scientist lasted about an hour. Bogomolets managed convince Stalin that the offensive on old age should go along to all fronts using synthetic drugs to make stem cells “block death.” Stalin ordering to open unlimited financing, said one the only iconic phrase: “Rejuvenation should not be available to the elect, and to all Soviet people without exception. ”

Having formed a team of intellectuals, the Bogomolets began work without sparing yourself. Died in 1946 from pneumothorax, caused by an incurable form of tuberculosis, which infected childhood from mother convict. Upon learning of his passing, Stalin grimly joked: “He promised to deceive death, but he cheated on us all.”

Reflecting on why Mechnikov lost the battle with old age, The Bogomolets paid attention to the strongest allergic reactions, played a fatal role. In parallel, one of the first in the world he revealed a close relationship of allergies with the immune system.

“Under the condition of unremitting, strong immunity,” he believed, – a person must live more than a hundred years. “How much? 180,200, 300, according to the formula deduced by him.

In which direction to move to achieve high-quality longevity, the Bogomolets pointed out, insisting that with the advent of drugs that stimulate stem cell growth by at least 50-60%, life extension will become a reality. Modern scientists decrypted by the human genome, suggest that the problem of active longevity complex, solved primarily on genetic level.

Need to find genes that trigger aging and irreversible programs fading to block their activities by others, while unknown genes. Conditionally named genes of youth.

Alexander VOLODEV

Life Health Stalin

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