Elon Musk wants to prove that we all live in matrix

Elon Musk wants to prove that we all live in a matrixA photo from open sources

An interesting flashed on the insider portal Above Top Secret information that the billionaire, space enthusiast and big PR manager Elon Musk, who made a loud statement two years ago about that we all live in a matrix is ​​being prepared in August of this year arrange a press conference (or even a kind of show) on this about – in the small town of Mountain View, California.

At this event, an eccentric researcher allegedly wants to provide conclusive evidence that earthlings in realities are in virtual reality that we all are only a computer program of aliens …

As one of the CNBC reporters confirms, now final stage of preparation for the conference, at which Musk allegedly gathered a whole group of scientists working all these years on the topic matrix and illusory nature of our being. While the journalists are not allowed even announce the event, because the billionaire himself preparing such an announcement.

Moreover, absolutely nothing is still known: what kind of Ilon prepared the evidence for the world, with what he intends again shake the minds of mankind – everything is kept in deep secrecy. In any the event, according to the paparazzi, the show should be quite interesting and fascinating, and the funds for its implementation will be spent quite a lot.

A photo from open sources

Recall that Ilona Mask who calls even Tony Stark (Iron Man “), while others consider him the greatest 21st century adventurer. In any case, this person is able to attract to yourself attention and advertise anything. On this, journalists say that all its popularity is built on this make a lot of money.

Well, what about the matrix? You won’t understand what’s better, as I noted one of the users of the World Wide Web, the promised end of the world or life in virtual reality? By the way, Elon Musk in reality is not alone in stating that we live in matrix, many independent researchers say this, even NASA employee. Did they combine their knowledge in this question and at the upcoming conference will try to convince the whole world? However, wait and see. We will wait for August …

Life in a matrix by Elon Musk

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