Encounters with the mysterious “drone” pilots escaped thanks to experience

A photo from open sources

While the Russian Ministry of Defense denied information about heavy unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which supposedly appeared in the sky over Ulyanovsk a week ago, in local DOSAAF flying club say the opposite. According to the director institutions, the mysterious “drone” nearly crashed into training aircraft – only thanks to endurance and experience the pilots managed to avoid a collision, according to RIA Novosti. 17 February over Ulyanovsk near the village of Arkhangelsk in regulated aircraft flight area (zone C) of the airport Barataevka suddenly appeared an unknown aircraft and began to tail into two local L-29 jets DOSAAF flying club, which conducted training in this area. Dangerous the approach of the aircraft was noticed by the dispatcher on the locator screen and instructed the pilot of a sports aircraft to urgently change course and heights. Director of the Ulyanovsk flying club DOSAAF Vladimir Dvoryaninov said: “Fortunately, these were experienced pilots, and collisions were avoided. “” The worst thing is that flights of school cadets are taking place in this area. Our pilots – one former military man with a good touch, another master of sports in aerobatics. They did not panic. Can you imagine yourself? led the cadet, who first took off? “he added. “What happened is a gross violation. Unmanned aircraft should fly according to relevant applications, and in the area of ​​their flights is prohibited flights of any other flying apparatuses. This flight was not agreed upon, “said the head of the flying club. Note that the Federal Air Transport Agency proposes not to force events and thoroughly investigate the incident. “A commission has been set up for this, and Until the end of her work, there are no comments and never will be. Can to be experts will conclude that the incident itself was not, and it seemed to eyewitnesses, how do we now know? So that let’s not force things, “- said the representative Federal Air Transport Agency. The Ministry of Defense generally deny what happened. “According to objective monitoring of air defense systems, February 17 flight violations not only in the area, but also adjacent, not fixed. Moreover, in the described period in Ulyanovsk region UAV flights were not planned and not were produced, “the ministry said. Earlier on a drone-like facility, said dispatchers who saw him on the locators. At their command, the pilots changed altitude and went into a bend, thanks to which, according to the director of DOSAAF, avoid collision.

Russia Airplanes

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