Energy Entities

Not only hypnotists, sorcerers can attack a person, vampires, but also energetic entities. About these entities mentioned by the ancients. The ancients believed that they live near us invisible “etheric” creatures whose density is so low that for us they are just invisible shadows. However, modern devices are able to register these invisible infrared and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum.

Energy EntitiesA photo from open sources

In parallel with our biological evolution on earth, evolution of energy beings. Moreover, in its diversity energy creatures are not inferior to the diversity of the animal world land.

Rostov scientists tried to study representatives of the subtle world, that is, energy beings. Based on multiple studies they concluded that energy creatures are of the same nature as ball lightning. With that only the difference is that entities behave selectively, that is, how intelligent creatures.

Among the inhabitants of the subtle world there are primitive creatures like terrestrial microbes and amoebas. Such substances are astral. parasites. Russian scientists using the Kirlian apparatus studied human aura. During these studies, it was found that in many people’s aura contains energetic clots the size of three millimeters and less. As it turned out later, these inclusions are astral parasites, they exist and are fueled by account of the human body.

A photo from open sources

I mentioned that research was done using Kirlian apparatus. For those who are not familiar with this device, I will explain. Soviet scientists S.D. Kirlian and V.K. Kirlian created and patented apparatus, the principles of which are that in high-frequency field forms a slow gas discharge. If in this field put any biological object then it becomes visible emission (outflow) of energy from the object. This unit allows you to see the aura of plants, animals, as well as humans. Besides Moreover, with its help one can observe the phenomenon of energy vampirism, when energy flows from the body of one to the body of another person.

Scientists have observed that in the subtle worlds there are no only primitive creatures like earth parasites, but also highly developed energy creatures that can be Compare with ordinary (biological) animals. They are different friend from a friend in size, body shape and habits.

Among these creatures there are quite reasonable entities. Despite the fact that a person does not notice them, these invisibles are capable of affect the psyche, bringing a person to mental disorders. Probably, our ancestors called them demons. Entities of this type often used by sorcerers as invisible assistants.

Invisible neighbors (entities) are most often in the form of a cloud, which continuously changes its configuration; also found spherical energy formations; they like to wander in packs. There are loners resembling a ribbon or a snake. Similar the entity is an energy vampire; it can entangle around the human body like a boa constrictor. Entities meet remotely resembling jellyfish, octopus, stingrays, etc. All these creatures your relationship with a person.

Our worlds are ghosts for each other. The subtle world is invisible for the inhabitants of our physical world. Our physical world is invisible to the inhabitants of the energy world. Entities do not see man as he is, for they can only see radiation of our body and aura. Therefore, for them we introduce ourselves in in the form of some luminous ellipses of rotation.

Among the entities there are those who do not care about a person. There are those who are called upon to protect us. But there are those who are aggressively opposed to every person and humanity generally. Such aggressors are constantly attacking us.

Why do many energetic entities hate man? Firstly, many of them have nothing against man, they just I want to eat. And they feed on the energy that is released in the result of the active work of nerve cells. Nerve cells emit electromagnetic waves into the environment, forming field around the body. This field stabilizes the stability of these energy clots, so they seek to master space in a holographic field around a person. These parasitic entities live and develop at the expense of human energy. Moreover, they are capable of disrupt through their activities the energy balance in the body that leads to disease. Under certain conditions parasitic entities are able to transfer from one person’s aura to the aura of another, this phenomenon is called the effect of energy infection.

How to deal with energy parasites? This kind of entities usually take root in the aura of people who are depressed, sadness and melancholy. If a person consciously begins to change the image of his life, the quality of his aura will also change. And it will deliver energy parasites a lot of trouble that will lead in the end ends to their complete exile.

The second reason that people hate people is that we we are creatures that destroy everything around us. From human activity is dying not only flora and fauna, but also energy organisms. This can be blamed on various toxic substances accumulated in the atmosphere. This practically explains what to see or register an entity in industrial area is very difficult, they are simply expelled from places human habitat. You can investigate such formations only for a city, in forests, mountains and other areas that are not yet touched dirty hand of civilization.

Man himself provokes energetic civilization into active actions. In response to our neglect of the environment energy entities declared war on us and deliver mass troubles.

The third reason people are constantly attacked with sides of entities is the fact that our distant ancestors who lived in antiquity, used energy assistants. They knew the language of these individuals and could communicate with them.

Many of these entities are initially programmed to murder. They were used at a time when wars broke out, and also to protect the territory from attacks by invaders. Necessary say that energy assistants have dealt with honor with this task. Centuries passed, generations changed, people forgot how to manage these invisible warriors. But, the invisibles themselves remained, and remember until still a program of extermination of man. They don’t know why. hate people, just their behavior is ruled by an ancient program.

There are many other causes of hostility between man and entities, but we will talk about them in detail in a separate book.

Most energy entities are able to act on our subconscious. And they use one of the types of hypnosis, which we have already considered. I have already given an example that a person able to see both infrared and ultraviolet rays. The only problem is that all the information obtained in this way, gets stuck in the subconscious and does not enter the consciousness.

The following experiment was performed: Researchers manufactured by Special technology 3D monster image. Volumetric image a monster hovering motionless over a laboratory desk, while this optical layout fiercely bared his fangs and looked at surrounding gaze. Is it a funny toy? But scientists needed it not for entertainment, but for research. Researchers have transformed a three-dimensional image so that it began to emit light that the human eye is not able to see. Now the man did not see him, and the instruments were easily fixed, and even an ordinary camera helped testify that the invisible monster still hangs over the table.

Yes, people did not see this unlikely creature, but many of we felt his presence nearby. In the laboratory, the usual work, and none of the employees knew what night over writing the man-made invisible monster appeared on the table. Among us were such who absolutely did not notice any changes, such people have a barrier between the consciousness and the subconscious is so dense that the signals in the form premonitions cannot penetrate consciousness. This is good, by at least for them. After all, such people have a headache much less about forebodings. There are no premonitions, and therefore no headache. I once knew one quack who she told everyone that she can communicate with spirits, she sees a human aura and energy entities. She made good money on these fairy tales, but when she truly gained the ability to see entities then prayed, asking the creator to take back this gift.

But let’s not talk about it, let’s go back to the walls of the laboratory. So among we were people who didn’t react at all to invisibility, but there were those who had a superstitious foreboding. Workers They said that they felt someone’s gaze on themselves. Most the sensitive ones experienced a state of discomfort and even mild headache. One employee even very accurately said from which places she feels this sinister look. Even if a person who didn’t feel anything at all, enter into a trance, he’s for sure will say what the animal looks like, hovering over the table. When to the room the medium entered, then he was immediately on the alert, it was interesting to observe behind his behavior, without losing a minute, he performed self-immersion in trance. In this state, he looked at something above the desk. and immediately returned to normal consciousness, while stating: “Well guys, you broke the number. ” From these words it was possible to understand that he is not only felt the presence of man-made monster, but also managed make out it.

I will try to comment on this situation: The first category people who did not feel anything, had a very tight barrier between consciousness and the subconscious. Information entered the brain, but and did not reach consciousness.

The second category of people who experienced superstitious premonitions, had a less dense barrier between consciousness and subconscious mind. As a result, the information entered the subconscious, and in the form of an alarm, consciousness received information about the presence in the room of something unusual, and therefore dangerous.

In the case of the medium. His subconscious mind already read information about monster and signaled to consciousness about it. As a result, y medium appeared premonition and anxiety. When he plunged into trance and removed the barrier between the subconscious and the conscious, the image the monster immediately surfaced on the inner screen of consciousness.

The same thing happens with the human psyche when in a room there is not man-made, but real energy invisibility. we able to perceive him and feel his presence. In this and lies the weakness of human perception. For energy an entity that we do not see, but feel its presence, has direct access to the human subconscious. Hence the hypnotic the effect of these invisibles on humans. Moreover, consciousness, as strict censor, can not interfere with such coding. it recalls the principle of coding a person through the 25th frame. This method was used by Americans back in the 60s to advertising purposes, a lot has already been written about him in the press, so I won’t repeat.

Is it possible to prevent energetic entities from exerting on us influence? Of course you can! First, remember everything that I told to you when we were considering hypnosis. All protection methods are also suitable for in this case. Let me remind you of the main points:

1. Develop your will, engage in self-improvement and meditation and then the essence and do not come close to your fiery energy.

2. If you sincerely believe and belong to a particular religion, then in this case you will not be approached by energy aggressors. This is because a sincere believer is under protection of the corresponding egregore. No matter what religion you are belong, believe and be protected.

3. Remember, an entity cannot force you to do what against your nature. No wonder Christianity calls for compliance ten basic commandments. To people who have these commandments the basis of worldview, demons can not use anything.

If you keep your garden of consciousness clean from weeds, then any weed sown by demons, you immediately identify and destroy.

4. The scripture says: “When a person reads a prayer, then demons weep with grief. ” Do not forget this truth. While reading a prayer (as during meditation) the human brain is immersed in a special state.

You can apply methods that will not allow the invisible us encode. But besides this, it would be nice to expel all of these energy creatures from their home so that they are not close in it appeared.

The methods for cleaning the home are as follows:

1. Experts recommend arranging saucers around the room with camphor solution in vinegar. Or pour in a saucer strongly diluted nitric acid. When pairs of these substances spread in the air of the room, then it becomes impregnable a fortress for “otherworldly” entities.

2. It helps a lot when cleaning the church’s home atmosphere Incense, but high-quality incense is a rarity. Oh good only high-quality incense helps. If you don’t have it, then set fire to a twig of dry wormwood in the room. Burning wormwood gives excellent cleansing effect. With burning twigs of wormwood go around all the rooms where you live at least three times. Special attention pay attention to the corners of the room – there may be concentration negative forces.

3. Experts recommend going around a room with a burning candle, icon lamp, incense sticks, smoldering wormwood or juniper. This is especially necessary if signs of mental attack. These signs include causeless anxiety, fear, unpleasant odors.

4. A very good effect is the use of a burning candle. If in Your home is subject to constant, unreasonable scandals if you began to experience severe malaise, weakness or irritability, then go with a burning candle through all the rooms. The flame of the candle should go to all points of the room from floor to the ceiling. Especially slowly pass the candle over the chairs, the bed, in the corners of the room and above the desk. In those places where the space is not infected with negative emanations, the candle will burn ordinary flame. But as soon as a burning flame arises an object woven from otherworldly matter, a candle flame right there begins to crack and melt with black wax or smoke. If the flame began to behave in a similar way, then devote to this site The rooms have special attention. Slowly drive a burning candle in this area, burning the invisible formation centimeter by centimeter. Do this procedure until in this area fire ceases to behave restlessly. Once you are sure that flame destroyed an invisible emanation, then move on to another section of the room.

Candle flame behaves uneasily (smokes, crackles) because in it burns an object woven from subtle matter. By flame behavior can determine the configuration of an invisible object. In our rooms, usually invisible clouds hang motionlessly in the form of ball, ribbon or web. Such formations are not entities, these are inanimate objects, but they are capable of delivering man in trouble.

5. One of the most tried and tested remedies is garlic. With leaves put garlic in the most unfavorable places. Leave it on night or for a few days. After that, take him away from dwellings and burn. Many peoples of the world used magic properties of garlic against the machinations of evil spirits. Modern scientists argue that garlic has a molecular structure that destroys and destabilizes energy substances.

These are far from all ways to deal with energy aggressors. I will devote one of the following books to energy entities. From her You will learn the classification of these invisible creatures, methods of dealing with by them, and also I will tell you about what essence how it behaves and how can it harm a person. In addition, there are entities that able to come to the rescue of people. About how to communicate with them, you learn from the book I promised.

Now let’s try to consider another issue. What are the signs a person can determine that the essence and time is wound up in the house take immediate action?

If scandals flare up in your family for no reason and you yourself don’t able to control their emotions, then it could be evidence of something energetic in the house. It is beneficial for such an uninvited guest that family members “squabble” between themselves. This is due to the fact that people at the time of anger (also during time of fear) very quickly lose their mental energy, scattering it into the environment. This energy is immediately absorbed entities. If you notice some family relationships tension, then take action: go with a candle across the room, sprinkle everything around with holy water, set fire to dry wormwood and etc.

If you begin to feel unwell and weak, if the same your family is experiencing the most, it’s a signal that in the energy sector something was amiss at home. Take action immediately cleaning the room.

An indirect sign of the accumulation of lower astral creatures is causeless, disgusting smell. If such a phenomenon occurs, then sound the alarm and apply the methods that I talked about.

The main factors that indicate the presence of relatives walls of an uninvited guest are a bad and disturbing sleep, more often all in it there are nightmare dreams. Also in places where energy invisibility has settled, people are experiencing unreasonable anxiety, fear, irritability and feel uncomfortable. how only you notice this for yourself and your loved ones, then here But sound the alarm, and what to do next – you already know.

Problems in our home can bring not only energy creatures, but also other factors. Scandals, discomfort, malaise, anxiety and illness can be caused by energy, which the previous tenants left behind. It could also be due to the fact that the house is in dangerous energy zones or incorrect geometry of furniture provokes energy disturbances. About three hundred methods of dealing with all phenomena I described in the book “Peace to your home.”

Danileiko Vyacheslav

War Time Monsters Evolution

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