Esoterics: Don’t Share Your Energy

Every day we come across people who, although not they put a hand in our pocket, but aim at something for nothing what money you can’t buy. We are constantly stealing vital energy, but why does this happen and how to short-circuit an over-vampire vampire – we, alas, were not taught in schools.

You me me you

It’s no secret to anyone that man is not only material body, but also the sum of energies, many of which are already known to scientists long time ago: these are the electrical radiation of the brain, neutrons and neutrinos, from which are made up of atoms, and, of course, bioenergy or bioplasma.

Esoterics: Don't Share Your EnergyA photo from open sources

Bioenergy argues that people always exchange energy, even when they sleep or are silent. The interaction of our energy we feel the fields with a stranger subconsciously and – react with a change either mood or physical condition. If you are with a person easy and pleasant, if you have something to keep quiet about, then your energy exchange is excellent, you feed your friend friend, and both benefit from it. But if you feel irritation, sudden loss of strength, anxiety or even sudden pain, it means that there is an energy eater near you.

Bioenergy is necessary for everyone, like blood and lymph. But sometimes her sorely lacking. The reasons for this shortage may be some. This is a serious illness, old age, severe fatigue. However nothing exhausts people like negative emotions: irritation, anger, greed, anger, guilt, jealousy. Exactly they create holes in our energy field, and it is through them power flows out. And having lost a lot of their energy, people inevitably are taken to seek how to replenish its reserves.

Volunteer assistance to a vampire

Pay attention to how simple morning is able to exhaust bus ride. Dozens of the same aggressive and tortured citizens standing next to you, just waiting for someone to pour irritation and anyone to capture the missing energy. More than you are subject to the general mood, the more you risk being eaten by your mates in misfortune.

A photo from open sources

In calm, joyful people, the biofield is balanced and reminds golden egg – in such a shell it is difficult to breach. But how once in this and the hungry vampire sees his task, so he will try to bring the potential victim out of balance. Recipe unpretentious: they will try to anger you. In a fit of anger you yourself throw out emotions and with them – most of the energy.

You can get the desired treat through fear: fear forms holes in the aura of man. Penetrating through them, energy glutton and begins his feast.

Often we lay down on the sacrificial altar voluntarily! “To me, there is no one to turn to but you ”,“ I am so unhappy ”- which of us, seeing the tears of friends, not in a hurry with comfort? And now you have revealed and your energy leaves you, like a broken gas cylinder. After working with a vest, you always feel terrible tiredness and indifference to everything.

However, you can find an involuntary vampire even more close surroundings. If you are accused, they say, you a bad mother or an unworthy daughter, you lose your strength in self-flagellation. This opens the way for a vampire relative.

None of your relatives set a goal to take away from you more energy and harm. It happens on the subconscious level. The positive moment of life together is that the family automatically energizes us if necessary.

Something is wrong

No matter how harmonious the marital energy balance couples, nobody is safe from unexpected failures. Alarmed wives they feel: something is wrong with her husband, but they cannot understand what is the matter. In most cases, seeing that a man began to invest in the relationship is less than personal energy, the wife makes a diagnosis: stopped loving.

Do not rush to sound the alarm and make claims. Think with how these changes may be related: maybe the husband began to get tired at work or getting sick, the cause may be a crisis at work, and problems with relatives. Often a man is just need rest, psychological comfort or solitude. So help his.

But the scandal is the most reliable way to deflate from a person more vitality. Emptiness which subsequently you experience, it is caused not by the exchange of offensive words, but by the loss a significant amount of energy that went into replenishing the screaming one. And if you are the regular instigator of scandals, you can safely claim that you eat at the expense of your husband, son, father, etc.

In many families, scandals become common because that spouses do not know another way to exchange energy. And between so he – and in a simple conversation, and in lovemaking, and in joint walks.

Flowers of life

Children up to 3-4 years old can be identified as a special risk group: they have weak energy protection, because they are highly dependent on mood of parents. True, they are their energy balance recover faster than adults.

A photo from open sources

Children and adolescents are not recommended to spend much time with elderly people, since, with the rarest exception, to old age everyone experiences a great lack of energy and automatically pulls it from where it’s easiest to get.

And if the child has become unreasonably capricious, weaken and turn pale – the reason may be in a vampire nearby.

Sex heals!

In order not to be neither a robber nor a victim, for his energy potential must be monitored: regularly make up, control emotions and loads, take care that so that you always have at least small positive impressions.

And you can maintain the correct energy balance by several ways. For example, through relaxation, yoga, meditation. Prayer and other methods of immersion in oneself or appeal to the Higher forces – very potent remedies.

A photo from open sources

Recall that sex is one of the oldest ways exchange energy: the fusion of yin and yang creates a very special a being – self-sufficient and happy, who is not looking for anything, does not strive anywhere and is in bliss.

Paradoxical as it may seem, they can also charge with energy physical activity (running, fitness equipment, swimming, etc.). The main thing – Do not overdo it. If possible, walk barefoot on the grass, contemplate fire or running water, do not deny yourself trips on nature. Communication with trees and flowers restores mental equilibrium.

Football, sauna, beer …

An old, proven way to make up for a permanent shortage energy – get an animal or decorate your home with flowers. Any plants (excluding vines, orchids and many marsh species) and Pets not only delight the eye, but also heal the soul.

The energy invested in communicating with friends will not be lost either. Fields like-minded people work in the same rhythm, calming and complementing each other friend. So, gatherings with friends are necessary for your health just like your husband – football, a bathhouse and beer.

Do not forget about cute little hobbies and about your own corner in a house where everything is saturated only with your energy and there are no strangers influences: even if this tiny saving paradise fits all only in the chair.

Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I will eat you!

But what to do when you have already become an object of attack and starving does a vampire clatter teeth at your nose? First try put a barrier between you. Chair, tree, fence or dog on the leash will inevitably cool the ardor of glutton. In case of failure increase the distance dividing you.

A photo from open sources

If you were unable to meet the danger while standing, and the adversary took adjacent chair or located at your table, cross your arms in front of the chest, cross your legs or show this person a muzzle (so as not to stir up passions – behind your back or in your pocket). Old Grandma’s methods work flawlessly.

If there is no way to stop the energy leak immediately (for example, it is caused by a parental illness or growth difficulties in the child), make this process conscious. Mentally send to your beloved people not irritation, but love. Think about mom or an angry husband, mentally repeating: “I love you and wish you only good. “Oddly enough, but the grumbling will stop immediately, anger will subside. And you, sharing your love, will not lose anything: the one who gives love gets her reinforced many times.

Lyudmila MOVRINA, bioenergotherapist

Plant Life

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