A photo from open sources
Each of us carries double karma. One is our own track record of good and not very good deeds. The other is the kind of karma which we came to. We came to this world not by chance, but by cosmic laws, to which we are not fully understood. how El Tat writes in Overcoming Karma:
“Cosmos is interested in us, in our life and in our successes. Living in the material world, we accomplish everything important humanity and for the whole universe work. Accumulating your energy souls, we not only transform the space around us, but also We are working on the genetic program of the generic structures of mankind. We are a part of the entire society of planet Earth, therefore, from the state our soul depends on the state of society as a whole. Process of our personal spiritual development is at the same time an investment of energy in a favorable development, the evolutionary awakening of the soul and mind all of humanity. This is expressed directly and directly in that we are “purifying” a kind of karma. That is, we are obliged (by birth) to solve the problems of his family, to help relatives, accumulate positive energy of the genus, freeing subsequent generations from birth diseases and karmic problems.
The kind we came into interacts with us differently. He is given alone as a guardian. Rod protects from misfortunes, helps on life path, guides and in difficult times gives strength. So we somehow deserve such support! Such roots need to be maintained, inherit, multiplying traditions.
To others, gender is given as a test. In overcoming the birth problems, and sometimes the curses that lie on it are strengthened by the soul, tempered, gaining strength and thereby clears the roots, because the man himself is a particle kind of. Overcoming the negativity in himself, he thereby purifies the race in whole …
However, there are people who depend very little on their karma. kind of. Apparently, because they have a very serious personal task and difficult life mission by its own karma. Such people leave parental home early, go far from home, quickly gain independence and independence, even with close relatives maintain a very weak connection. They have often a difficult life path, and usually they are waiting for large complex business … ”