Photo from open sources
In Turkey, they decided to remove the theory of evolution and natural selection from school curriculum. This was stated by the head of the National Council education country Alparslan Durmus. According to him, this is done because it’s difficult for students to understand and absorb this information, very controversial and not entirely reliable. And therefore, the theory evolution will now be studied only at biological faculties at universities.
Turkish scientists immediately condemned such a move by the government, for example, renowned biologist Richard Dawkins believes it’s not that other than the cynical decision of political manipulators who act very stupidly, since evolution is a reliable fact. His supported by the director of the Center for Inquiry Robin Blumner, who argues that in reality students easily learn the theory evolution, therefore, talk about its complexity for the perception of the child That’s just funny.
A photo from open sources
However, in Turkey, which has become a secular country since 1923, more than half of the population (Muslims) still believe that man was created by God, and not descended from a monkey. For example, in the USA almost seventy percent of the population believes in evolutionary theory. Rather of all, such a decision is to remove the scandalous theory from the school programs – was dictated by religious motives. Worth saying that Turkey with the rise to power of President Erdogan more and more departs from secular principles, gradually returning to conservative theocracy.
Note that Darwin’s theory of natural selection is exposed in recently, attacks not only by believers, but also leading scientists proving that there are many white spots and puzzles, which the theory of evolution does not answers. However, the current decision of the Turkish leadership is unlikely can be called progressive. Both supporters and opponents of the theory of natural selection and evolution.
Turkey Evolution