A photo from open sources
April 7, during the discussion, the topic of which was raising the search for alien life and inhabited worlds, chapter NASA scientist Ellen Stofan said that for ten years humanity will receive strong evidence of alien life. The scientist also added that space experts today are no longer only know exactly where to look for alien life and how it looks, but also have the necessary technology for more close acquaintance with life outside our planet.
Astronaut John Grunsfeld also believes that signs of extraterrestrial lives will be found in a relatively short time, and not only in our planetary system, but also far beyond. The astronaut is sure that earthly and extraterrestrial life is one whole. A life – this is a seed that is scattered throughout the universe, and not so important, where did this seed take root – on the icy Moon, on Mars or beyond of our galaxy.
Recent discoveries show that our galaxy is teeming places with favorable conditions for the development of life. For example, only in our planetary system the oceans located under icy shells of Jupiter, the satellite of Saturn Enceladus, as well as the moons Ganymede and Europe have water in a liquid state. Huge oceans covered a large part of ancient Mars, as evidenced by the observed on its surface are seasonal dark stripes formed in the distant past running salt water. Also on the surface of Mars were discovered organic carbon molecules that contain “fixed” nitrogen – the main ingredient needed for creating living conditions on Earth.
NASA Kepler Space Telescope Observations almost every star in space is surrounded by planets, many of which can be quite suitable for the development of life. Especially, that the rocky worlds such as Mars and Earth dominate the galaxy, not gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn.
In addition, recent planetary studies have confirmed that water, as a substance, is common not only for the solar system, but for our entire galaxy. Scientists observe water in interstellar the clouds from which star systems are formed. Big the amount of water present in the garbage disks from which planetary systems forming around parent stars. Also experts observe water and in giant tails wandering around galaxy of comets.
Although the search for evidence of alien life is more challenging than finding potentially livable conditions, the researchers approached this issue very actively.
For example, the next Martian rover, the launch of which planned in 2020, will go to Mars for a thorough studying samples of its surface. NASA also aims to get on the surface of this planet to find the key to finding signs life on Mars. For the same purpose, already in 2022, NASA plans make a mission to the satellite of Jupiter Europe. However the main the direction of study is the search for exoplanets. For this they are going to use the transit spectroscopy method, which allows you to discover inhabited worlds even in distant depths of space.
Water Galaxy Time Mars Life NASA Saturn Jupiter