Facts About Gasoline You May Not Know

Facts about gasoline that you might not knowA photo from open sources

Gasoline is by far the most consumed. product of all mankind. Once the price of gasoline rises, it becomes the main topic of discussion around the world. This article will introduce you to the most interesting facts about gasoline. 1. We present you the top 3 lowest prices for gas: in Venezuela, about 0.05 is paid per liter of gas dollars, in Libya – 0.14 dollars. The third place is occupied by Saudi Arabia – they pay 0.16 dollars per liter of fuel.

2. Gasoline is considered to be a “relative” of benzoic acid. She represents whitish crystals, and rather solid. Back in the days of Nostradamus, this substance was known to European alchemists. In the process of condensation common in those times of incense called “dew incense” or “benzo” it substance and mined.

3. The price in Israel for gas A-95 the state sets in every last business day of the month. Their price corresponds to the price of gasoline for the last five days of the month in the ports of southern France and Italy.

4. In the United States, gas prices are very low. But, despite this fact, in 24 hours, Americans spend fuel for about one billion dollars.

5. In the world, the largest turnover is precisely in fuel. And the second place in terms of turnover is coffee.

6. Israel is known for its high technology. Solon Company invented the ecological and fairly economical Gold-95 gasoline. In addition to the fact that this gasoline saves the car owner a lot of money, it also reduces harmful emissions into the atmosphere. TO Gold-95 also takes care of the car’s engine and improves wear resistance. It also helps save money on repair.

7. Karl Benz created the first car with a gasoline engine internal combustion in 1885. On a three-wheeled wagon man put a gas engine and patented it as a “crew with gas or kerosene engine. ”

8. During the reign in Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, gasoline was worth cheaper than water.

9. The most expensive gasoline in Norway. For one liter in 2013 paid 2.5 dollars. Turkey takes second place with a price of 2.45 dollars.

10. It’s hard to believe, but at the end of the 19th century gasoline used as an antiseptic, and nothing more. It was possible purchase at pharmacies. Only kerosene was distilled from oil at that time, and the rest of the waste (including gasoline) was either burnt, or just thrown away.

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