Facts about the eyes that may surprise

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Wide and almond-shaped, hazel, green and even two-tone – all these words about eyes that are not without reason called a mirror of the human soul, because they reflect everything that we feel, our emotions and even thoughts. Most often at a meeting people look at each other to a friend’s eyes, and at the first meeting they pay special attention to them attention, since the eyes are that highlight and uniqueness, which is in everyone.

Perhaps these amazing facts will become for you discovery.

Brown eyes are actually blue under the brown pigment. There is even a laser procedure that allows you to transform brown eyes forever blue.

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The pupils of the eyes expand by 45% when we look at the one love.

The human cornea is so similar to the shark’s cornea that the latter is used as a substitute for operations on eyes.

Our eyes can discern about 500 shades of gray.

Each eye contains 107 million cells, and all of them sensitive to light.

Every 12th male is color blind. Eye a person is able to perceive only three parts of the spectrum: red, blue and green. The remaining colors are a combination of these colors.

The diameter of our eyes is about 2.5 cm and they weigh about 8 grams.

About 65-85% of white cats with blue eyes are deaf.

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Your eyes will always remain the same size as with birth, and ears and nose do not stop growing.

Our eyes focus on about 50 things per second.

Images that are sent to our brain are actually upside down.

Each eyelash lives about 5 months.

The Mayans considered the squint attractive and tried to do so so that their children are cross-eyed.

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Schizophrenia can be determined with an accuracy of 98.3% using normal eye movement test.

About 2% of women have a rare genetic mutation, thanks which they have an extra retinal cone. it allows them to see 100 million colors.

Johnny Depp is blind to his left eye and myopic to his right.

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The human eye can make smooth (not intermittent) movements, only if it follows a moving object.

Pirates used a blindfold to quickly adapt vision for the environment above and below the deck. So one eye in they got used to bright light, and the other to dim.

There are too “complex” colors for the human eye, their called “impossible colors.”

We see certain colors, as this is the only spectrum light that passes through water – the area where our eyes. There were no evolutionary causes on earth to see a wider range.

Sometimes people with aphakia – the lack of a lens, report that they see the ultraviolet spectrum of light.

Bees have hairs in their eyes. They help determine wind direction and flight speed.

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Apollo mission astronauts talked about what they saw flashes and streaks of light when they closed their eyes. It later turned out that it was caused by cosmic radiation irradiating their retina beyond the Earth’s magnetosphere.

We “see” with the brain, not with the eyes. Blur and poor quality image is an illness of the eye, like a sensor receiving image with distortion. Then its distortions and “dead zones” impose a brain.

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