Fairytale Lake Caddo

Fairy Lake CaddoPhoto from open sources

Caddo Lake is not just a pond, but a truly fabulous place, which many directors use for various filming.

Caddo is located in eastern Texas (USA) and is part of a national park called “Caddo Lake State Park”. Lake full of mystical and a bit sinister charm.

It was formed by chance when two centuries ago on the Red River (Red River) there was a congestion of fallen trees and garbage. it the place caught the attention of the river beavers that created here a dam from scattered logs. So it appeared on the map amazing caddo lake.

Its area is 100 square kilometers. On the shores and in the water the lake is home to many rare species of animals (45), birds (220), fish (60), mammals (50), trees (190), grasses (75) and vines (42).

A photo from open sources

The water in Caddo is clear and clean, at the bottom you can see swimming fish. The depth of the lake does not exceed three meters. A feature of this place is the 50-meter-high here. Arizona and swamp cypresses, which give the lake fabulousness or mysticism (who likes more). The processes of these giant trees emerge right from their roots and merge with the trunk. Therefore, cypress trees are so wide at the base and resemble shaped bottle.

The park has excellent conditions for camping and fishing. Here You can rent a boat, boat, catamaran or kayak, as well as all necessary equipment. But swimming in Caddo is forbidden: among him the inhabitants are alligators.


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