Falsification of science is as common as and falsification of history

Falsification of science is as common as falsification of historyA photo from open sources

The falsification of truth is a common thing for our wretched society, where at the head of it is a bunch of multi-rich, for whom unlimited power over the people is much more important than development and prosperity of modern civilization. And there is no such crime, on which they would not go for the power of money.

Today it’s almost no secret to anyone that for the sake of this the notorious unlimited power of world government is distorted, history is written and written. However, as it became known, still more terrible for society is the falsification of science, which allows the Illuminati to keep humanity in darkness, poverty and hunger.

A photo from open sources

This is the statement made by Alfred Webr, who once was an adviser to the White House, and therefore the whole background of politics US government to conceal scientific knowledge knows firsthand. So Webr claims that in the United States, let’s say the same time machine has been running for at least at least eighty years old. During this time during numerous experiments were both dead and missing, however, in in the end, the results are amazing, proving that You can travel both in the past and in the future.

A photo from open sources

For this reason, says Webr, the White House government, for example, knew in advance about the tragedy of September 11, 2001, knew in the early seventies. Even playing cards prove it. “Illuminati” that appeared in 1995, which depicted crumbling twin towers of the famous New York World shopping center. Then all this, of course, was written off as a coincidence, however, in fact, such decks of cards are proof information leakage.

A photo from open sources

And here is why in this case the US government did not prevent the most ambitious attack of the beginning of the 21st century is another question, although it is again closely associated with the distortion of truth (any) for power and money.

Falsification and secrecy go hand in hand

The richest clans of the Earth, which are sometimes called world by the government, sometimes by the Illuminati, which is essentially the same thing, back in the beginning of the last century, all scientific experiments, which would undermine their fabulous revenues from the sale of gas, oil, other most important natural resources, and therefore world science today bribed. For all developments, such as “time machine”, “eternal engine “,” zero energy and wireless transmission of it “superimposed taboos. Only a select few (themselves you see, by) scientists in secret laboratories under the supervision, let’s say the same CIA. Therefore, the results of these studies are closed. for society, but they are successfully used by the Illuminati themselves in their selfish, almost misanthropic purposes.

A photo from open sources

Alfred Webr gives an example that the world “elite” is another hundred years ago developed a memorandum aimed at falsification in the field of science and practically destroying it all over the world. It all started with the destruction of fundamental disciplines for science and education – scientific method and logic. Thanks to this fundamental science almost stomps on the spot – has come to a complete standstill. it luminaries of modern scientific thought, such as M. Kaku, V. Katyushchik, S. Sall and many others who are in plain text say that today we are practically running in the opposite direction from the same zero energy (free for all mankind) and many other great discoveries because society has been imposed dogmas and patterns contrary to common sense.

Instead of Newtonian Mendeleev, Einstein’s erroneous theory

For example, why is an element excluded from the table of D. Mendeleev Newtonium, which was in the zero row and from which the table is just started? But the fact is that newtonium corresponds to the world ether, storing and transmitting all types of energy in nature. Herself ether theory just led to limitless and practically free energy, which was not part of the plans of oil and gas magnates. And then, instead of the theory of ether, a theory was imposed on the world relativity of Einstein. And the German scientist himself would be very surprised to learn some of the provisions of “his theory”, which were frankly falsified.

A photo from open sources

Actually bent, explains V.Katyushchik, not space, and place, for example, the path of photons is curved, passing by the sun, but not space at all. These are the basics of scientific methods that are not taught in universities, like the interpretation of the first law of logic. And why? Yes, because otherwise students will get to the bottom truths and will be surprised to ask: what does the distortion have to do with it space?

Why and how do the world’s richest clans fake science?

In the middle of the last century, journalists still raised this issue – about the falsification of science. For example, in the Financial Times time, you can find the article “What is science?”. It said that modern luminaries of science are far from celestials who doing everything for the good of the people. Among them are full of scammers, crooks and falsifiers, and that for the sake of money they are ready for any villainy, down to the crime. Unfortunately, the authors concluded of that article, the activities of such “eminent scientists” are recognized society is too late, sometimes when they are no longer alive. And sometimes you don’t even get to the bottom of the truth, who and what to blame …

However, as Alfred Webr explains, journalists at that time they didn’t understand the main reason why people from science fake this the very science that they just get paid their silence, their fraud and even their crimes. And pay well since it is very beneficial to world government. And in fact there are two sciences in the world. One true, but secret, and the second public, but deceitful and corrupt. By the way, and in education one can see the same picture, why society is becoming dumber and less educated, despite the numerous averages and higher education institutions. And the fact that the satirist Zadornov ridicules the exam and an American education that has already filled the whole world, in including Russia, in fact, far from funny, but sad and even tragic for all of humanity …

A photo from open sources

The Illuminati from the foundation of, say, the same Rockefeller generously pay the so-called “commission on science”, which are created in almost all the advanced countries of the world, thereby suppressing any attempts to develop and, even more so, implement the same alternative fuel-free technologies, medicines for the worst diseases of our century, means of prolonging life, revealing hidden human potential and much more that undermines their power over the world. Thanks to these commissions, everything advanced is announced quackery, pseudoscience, obscurantism. Moreover, the world itself the government with the other hand also generously finances its underground science, and takes advantage of the fruits of purchased scientists to guide forbidden knowledge to further strengthen their own and so almost unlimited power …

Time Money Life Illuminati USA

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