Photo from open sources
A shi tree grows on the African continent, remarkable for that the oil obtained from its fruits has miraculous properties.
Locals are aware of this and make extensive use of the generous gift. nature. It is rumored that Queen Cleopatra herself used Shea butter to maintain health and beauty. It’s easy to believe, looking at the faces of the local women on whom practically no there are wrinkles …
Modern science, of course, could not ignore this miracle and, having studied the properties of the oil, appreciated them. So it the tool has found application in medicine, cosmetology, cooking …
This tree also has another name – shea. Externally shi-karite resembles our oak. This is a tree with a powerful trunk covered exceptionally strong bark and spreading crown with glossy large leaves. Interestingly, she is constantly updating her foliage and therefore never “undresses”. And its thick, sturdy the bark is literally fireproof and protects the tree from fires.
Sacred shea tree
This African tree reaches twenty meters in height, and its age can be two hundred years. Shea grows very slowly, and only half a century old trees begin to bear fruit. First on them fragrant dark beige flowers appear, and then oblong fruits that ripen, burst and expose seeds. Kernels inside these seeds are a storehouse of nutrients. Aborigines grind they are pressed and oil, which is used for a variety of purposes: on they fry food, use it as a cosmetic and fuel for lamps, and also coat their own homes, mixing with land …
A photo from open sources
Not surprisingly, Africans consider Shi a sacred tree. Before in order to collect its fruits, the villagers sacrifice in the form of poultry, after which the women begin to collect the first servings of nuts for oil. Shea kernels are washed and dried, then in special containers are ground into powder. Next, water is added to it. and heat the resulting mass. At a certain temperature, oil begins to surface, and it is collected, and then boiled until until the moisture has completely evaporated. The result is dense fat mass of white or yellowish color, i.e. actually shea butter. It serves a variety of dishes and throughout the village is having a feast with alcohol, dancing and songs.
Shea Butter
Europeans learned about this unusual oil at the end of the nineteenth. century. Scientists have found that this product does not require canning and well kept in a “live state”. He is rich vitamins A, D, E and F, as well as fatty acids.
Of course, the industrial preparation of shea butter is noticeable different from traditional African, as a result of it it turns out a purified product without smell and impurities. However after manual processing of shea nucleoli in oil retains a larger amount nutrients, and therefore it is much more expensive than manufactured industrial way.
A photo from open sources
Shea butter is used to quickly heal wounds, it helps with arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, muscle pain, treats dermatitis, eczema, burns, acne. In cosmetology, this tool used to moisturize and soften the skin, rejuvenation. By According to experts, shea butter effectively fights wrinkles, restoring skin elasticity and smoothness. It also strengthens hair and nails. Today in pharmacies you can find soap and lotions, creams and masks, shampoos and balms made with shea butter. In food industry it is used to produce margarine and how chocolate supplement.
Like all other products and cosmetics, oil Shi is not for everyone. People Latex Allergic (included) and nuts should be careful when it reception.
A photo from open sources