Fantastic creation of the deep sea

Fantastic creation of the deep seaPhotos from open sources of

Scientists have long recognized the unfortunate fact that we are not all the secrets of the world were even known on the surface of the Earth, on which supposedly For a long time there are no white spots. The depths of the sea are a mystery to us. seven seals. After all, even the animal kingdom of the underwater kingdom has been studied by us so far no more than ten percent. And what about the others riddles of the ocean depths?

In this video, shot in the Gulf of Mexico near the United States with automatic underwater camera, captured amazing, almost a fantastic creation in the form of a huge yellow ball, which resting at the bottom of the ocean. However, it was worth disturbing this ball, as he immediately changed – he suddenly grows a tail that helps an “alien” creature to quickly run away from a curious apparatus, performing a kind of dance in front of the camera, or such passing us some information.

Researchers at the US Trust Fund for the Study the ocean depths were delighted with such a reaction of this terabellida, as they immediately identified a marine animal. Tentacles this unique underwater worm, scientists explain, allow he not only move in the water, but also collect food from the bottom the ocean.

The video attracted the attention of not only scientists, but also simple the inhabitants – Internet users. Many of them felt that before us is one of the mysterious marine inhabitants, very similar to an alien. Or maybe this is a representative of far from our world, exclaim some admiring viewers?

Well, it’s very similar, especially since the underwater world is perceived us completely different than the surface – this is actually some other reality beyond our comprehension. And if you imagine still that there live mermaids, unknown to us monsters, then generally horror beret…

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