Fantastic ice caves

Fantastic ice cavesA photo from open sources

Thanks to the resident of Iceland, Julien Ratel, we also have the opportunity to admire the fabulous beauty of the ice cave. Despite the fact that Ratel has seen many amazing places, even flying over an erupting volcano, most of all it is attracted by ice caves.

A photo from open sources

You can visit the glacial caves on the territory of Greenland and Iceland. It is famous for the most beautiful and famous caves. Icelandic Vatnajekull National Park, which, in addition to the glacier Vatnajokul, includes many fragments of rock and ice.

A photo from open sources

Caves formed by the action of glacial melt water are quite common. Such water absorbed by cracks glacier forms passages in it, squeezing through which often maybe even a person. Such caves often reach a length of several hundred meters, and in depth – more than a hundred meters.

A photo from open sources

Caves that formed on the edges of glaciers – in those places where the intraglacial and subglacial waters.

But the caves formed in underground glaciers are very unusual. thermal waters. They are distinguished by huge galleries, which makes hot water in the body of the glacier. Sorry to get into Such a cave is not easy, because it is located under the glacier.

A photo from open sources

Water Iceland Caves

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