February 10 – Brownie Day

February 10 - Brownie DayPhotos from open sources

It’s hard to say how well this tradition has been preserved. among the Eastern Slavs, that is, among the Rus – celebrate the Day Brownie February 10. But such a tradition comes from pagan beliefs Ancient Russia, and therefore in our country, even the most ardent atheists they know who such a brownie is and deep down even revere him. But how many people know his name day is another question …

Someone is afraid of a brownie, someone believes that this is a good spirit, guarding housing, but in any case, on February 10, it’s worth remembering in this legendary spirit and tradition to celebrate unique birthday. Old people say that this day is worth cooking for a homemaker simple treats in the form of milk, pies, sweets and other goodies and sweets. The main thing here is not even what you treat brownie, and how to present him these gifts. After all, he is after all spirit close to the god Veles himself, and therefore deceive him formal relationship will not work. As they say, better is easier, but … from the heart.

By the way, our ancestors, and even quite narrow-minded, for example, those who lived at the beginning of the last century, highly esteemed she lived, invariably invited him to a new house, if they left old (moved, updated the structure and so on). Remembered him not only on February 10, but also in every spiritual and even secular holiday.

Note, on the day of the name day of the brownie, that is, today strictly it is forbidden to swear, swear, kill insects in the house and generally behave aggressively and slyly, that is, lie, slander, to inform on someone and so on – the brownie oh how he does not like everything this …

But he simply adores cleanliness in the house, and therefore women in this in the early morning, they started cleaning the house, and men, as a rule, went fishing – a very good day for fishing.

For young and beautiful young ladies on this day a special gift from home-made: you just need to look in the mirror as often as possible – and then beauty and youth will last a very long time. Well, for men in this day should just be real gentlemen, which will allow they preserve masculine strength and fighting spirit, not looking at all intertwining fate …

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