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Please note that the forecast is based on annual Qi Men Dong Jia structures, and the year according to the Qi Men Dong Jia system will begin on December 24, 2013, so it’s especially sensitive will soon feel the changes inspired by coming time.
Given the energetic influence of feng shui forces, special attention pay to those sectors of your house where vital objects such as the front door, bedroom, study or workplace in the office. You can also take note directions of basic daily movements (from home to work and back). Recommended correction tools will help to reduce the impact unsympathetic energies and enhance the impact of favorable.
Millennium Chinese New Year the solar calendar – February 4, 2014. This is an important change the main energies of the year and the movement of the intangible forces of the Earth’s energy. One year old Feng Shui stars fly to our house from different directions. and largely determine the energy of home space during all year. Knowing the nature of the effects of stars allows us to be ready for change and produce in your home the necessary changes in order to enhance the influence of favorable forces and level the strength of the adverse.
Of course, Earth Fortune of a particular house is not limited to the influence of only one-year stars. Feng shui of every home individual, and this is the subject of a comprehensive analysis. Result the effects of annual stars at different objects will be different, however, their influence is always quite tangible.
The figure below shows the general diagram of the 2014 Flying Stars and the Annual alignment of Qi Men Dong Jia (note that the south located at the top). Try overlaying your house plan. or apartments (of course, considering compass directions), and you You will see which sectors of your home will fly to “stay” annual stars, as well as the placement of annual operators Qi Men Dong Jia.
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So, in the new year flies to the central sector of each house one-year star Four-green. Four traditionally favors training, comprehensive development, research, travel, creative pursuits, literature and the arts, loved ones hobbies and, of course, romantic hobbies. The program is extensive, so that the Four will try to entertain each and make an impact on the life of all households.
True, many events and projects in the new year will develop. slow enough since Qi Men Dong Jia’s year-long alignment latent response state. There is, of course, some contradiction. Spring (green) Horse – haste, wants everything and immediately, but the energies of the year do not support rapid radical changes. But the unrestrained energy of a young horse needs to be put somewhere, here and will rush in different directions – then a hobby, then hobbies, then training. Why not? The process itself is important. But all the stars of Qi Men in working condition (in their homes), therefore, despite the tightness development, ongoing processes will be deep.
South. The best star of the current period flies to the south Eight is white. Traditionally figure eight stimulates good well-being, authority, harmony in relationships, happy events, promotion and material prosperity. True, G8 promotion and success is given only to those who are real working, who is set up for gradual development, whose motto is “Slowly but surely!”
The influence of a favorable star will be enhanced by the presence in the south-2 power like Tai Sui. He is also called the Prince of the Year. The great It is customary for the prince to render all respect. Try not to sit turning his face in his direction (i.e. facing south), because that way you challenge the Lord of the year and can bring on himself his anger. The location of the Grand Duke is not recommended disturb very much: dig land from the south side of the house, make repairs in the southern part of the room. All destruction work physical objects can disturb and “anger” the Great Prince, try to avoid this.
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The Tian Ying Star and the Gate of Magnificence tune in refinement and embellishment of the southern sector, attention to appearance, image, showcase, interface, care about advertising. Apparently, the promotion of the “southern comrades” will be directly connected precisely with design, publicity, presentability, with skill to perform, show oneself, the ability to compete, fight and to win (do not hush up your victory – also work for some).
In turn, try not to buy artificial shine and tinsel, not all the gold that glitters, filter out those who simply gives you dust in your eyes whose intentions are not clear and foggy (perhaps even for themselves).
The Rooster figurine in the south of your house will weaken the emerging aspect self-punishment will help, so to speak, to separate the grain from the chaff.
Southwest. The southwest is now interesting and, above all, romantic potential. Gather here to “build” relations. But first things first. Year-Old Star Unit-White considered a very favorable star, traditionally bestowing wisdom, intellectual and spiritual mobility, creativity, travel and money. Some star is also associated with this star. renewal, the beginning of a new period in life (people with gua 2 and older women in the house should especially take a closer look at what’s wrong new will begin in their lives). Southwest will be characteristic multiple contacts with mixed results. Someone, finally, find his Destiny, someone, on the contrary, forever (or for a long time) will part, someone will find a friend, someone – an enemy (competitor), well, but someone will remain his own, but it is subject to some kind of transformation. In any case, the dynamics in the relationship are not allows you to not change anything, the relationship must mutate or to die, at least in something.
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Among other things, the Unit favors learning and self-development. And the active star of Tien Rui echoes her childishly. You will succeed find a mentor, but his character or character of training will difficult, difficult. In a word, this is not a nut of knowledge for you, but granite of science! However, water, as you know, sharpens a stone, then it and Water Unit to find a channel in any canyon.
In general, the situations are not easy, the tasks are difficult, but who will not shoulder solving difficult problems, for example, you can get them in regarding your health (should the same energy of the star Tien Rui on to win back something), so in the south-west it is also necessary to do prevention and closely monitor physiology.
The region southwest-1 (a third of the southwest adjacent to the south) will become the abode of one of the Noble – Great Jan. Activation of this mountain in a good time helps dissipate trouble if you suddenly activated unwanted energy in the house, get help from men and for men.
West. For the whole year, the West will become the haven of Six-White. IN Overall, Six is considered a very favorable star, bestowing wealth, achievement, organizational talent and leadership. IN the current period, although the star is considered acceptable, but, nevertheless, less, belongs to the category of untimely. In this connection, Six may have negative manifestations – excessive rigidity and severity, organization, coldness, tendency to loneliness. To a greater extent, the star favors service people, officials, people of the older generation and people involved in the most unskilled rough work. Discipline, determination, serious and responsible approach, value experience, directness and honesty as the best manifestations of the Six will help you to be in harmony with the star of the west. This will be especially true. for people with gua 7.
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In the new year in the western location, Six will be especially strong and will prove to the fullest. Alarm Gate and Tian Star Zhu update the topics of control, monitoring, inspection, inspection and inventory, examination, elimination of violations, search and capture, punishment and detention. Not particularly advertised activity.
The metaphysical gates and Dean trunk also have a direct attitude to astrology, fortune telling, other unconventional methods receiving and using information.
Despite the unlucky gates, with their skillful use (use as intended) is very you can count on decent success and the help of high-ranking persons. At least for the military and officials, lawyers picture oil.
Excessive hardness will help everyone’s favorite bamboo in the water. eliminate and support the good that is warming here (sign Dean).
The central part of the west will be ennobled by Great Yin, which when activated, it patronizes women more helps to restore peaceful relations after quarrels and to establish communication between people in general.
Northwest. Well, here, finally, and the Five of the Year! – the most a malicious star that usually provokes the largest amount troubles.
Traditionally, the Five is not recommended to disturb repair work, even just hammering nails, is also not recommended dig land northwest of your home. Especially unpleasant concern north-west-3 may be affected as there will also be one of the three years of the year — the robbery.
The traditional means of weakening the Five are considered a means salt-water-coins, copper pagoda, wind music, soft melodic music. Do not use in the northwest a lot fire, red, constantly actively working objects.
The good news is that there will be no Five in the northwestern position especially strong, because it will spend its strength on fueling metal sector. This is also illustrated by the picture of Qi less. The alignment in the northwest is clearly not the worst. Gate of Discovery and auspicious star Tien Xin conducive to any undertakings and projects.
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The problem, in essence, will be in the participants of the action themselves. On any stage for various reasons, they can simply quit (leave) the case and not bring the idea to implementation. Too much power ambition, self-conceit and arrogance can lead to a dead end, provoke friction in interactions and disputes, as a result which your project may stall and not go. In this sense the northwest-1 zone (a third of the northwest, adjacent to the west).
Draw the Xin sign somewhere in the northwest. Sometimes the most simple applied magic allows you to somewhat smooth the energy, in in this case, pacify (distract) the debaters, send them energy in a creative direction.
North. People with a pronounced north obviously will not stay away from events of the year. This is the epicenter, the main field with the main players and main consumer of resources. The one-year-old star is good – Nine is purple. Traditionally, in the current period, it bodes luck in future, fame, fun, vibrant life, marriage, procreation, new projects and empowerment. But the situation a fire star in a water house cannot be called comfortable. She is clearly needs support, and it is, however, somewhat backstage, implicit.
The inconsistency of energies is also illustrated by the presence of such forces, as Sui Po – Destroyer of the year and three sha. Try not to step up especially the central part of the north, avoid here noisy repairs, otherwise conflicts and troubles await you, related to romance.
Xin / Xin alignment is relevant for single-handed individuals, for those who are not especially concerned about public interests. Heroes here will be too immersed in personal and more inclined to rest than to work. At this they will want big profits, albeit as a result risky operations. Costs will also be large because the inner mood of the “Northern” will feel worthy more than they have now. In general, the north is now for bold and adventurous, for those who have a “shaggy paw” or trumps in your pocket, for those who dream about quality transformations.
Sign Xin warns of the inevitability of mistakes, but who about them thinks when the jackpot is at stake!
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Northeast. The northeast will not be as rosy as in the previous two years, but not as unlikely as possible expect from Seven. This star is traditionally associated with gossip, aggression and contention, the danger of robbery. Therefore if your the door is located in the northeast, concern for the protection of the house is not it will hurt. But the traditional means of preventing stiffness Sevens – I would not use bamboo in water this year. IN in this case, the control cycle will be more relevant – good lighting, beautiful objects of the elements of fire.
Profit-related gates and auspicious star Tien Ren favor new projects, production revenues, construction and real estate, as well as in areas related to Seven. This is the area of active sales, the work of law enforcement agencies, jurisprudence, surgery, dentistry, psychology. Qi is less Of course, unpleasant and promises confusion in business and the opportunity damage. Well, then she’s an untimely star, so that “stimulate” unwanted surprises.
But the region is northeast-3 (a third of the sector adjacent to east) when activated at a good time can present a lot gifts. The star of the Yearly Salary will settle here. It’s your Assistant in all matters related to finance.
Mount northeast-1 (a third of the northeast adjacent to north) has conflicting potential. On the one hand, it is sector of one of three years, which, with tight activation, associated with the destruction of physical objects can stall your cases, provoke unforeseen delays and difficulties in cases. FROM on the other hand, here will be the location of the Noble Dragon, the activation of which is carried out just in order to overcome congestion, facilitate debt repayment, provide a breakthrough, etc. Thus, it is possible to activate, but carefully and it is important to know when.
In general, the alignment of Qi is less and the effects of feng shui indicate opportunities and possible difficulties. People with gua 8, tune in!
East. Attitude to the Two has changed significantly in the last time, however, she still remains a star of disease. Accordingly, people with a pronounced east should do prevention, undergo a medical examination, tune in healthy lifestyle. Agree, healing and caring for your physiology at the level of massages, vitamins, saunas and gyms – this is much better than the forced appeal to to the doctor when the disease is already running. So get ahead of Twos and she I will be grateful to you.
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Very often, turning to a healthy lifestyle leads to change in other areas. At least the picture of 2014 tunes for exactly that. You can lose the hand from another the end: unexpected changes make you pay close attention to physiology. For example, you become pregnant. Here you want – you don’t want to go to the doctors.
By the way, the topic of pregnancy is perhaps relevant, because here in the east-2 (in the central part of the sector) “flower” will blossom romance “of the year, the activation of which contributes to romantic hobbies. So, apparently, the fruits of love will also ripen.
In the east-2, there will also be Happy Noble. His activation will reduce the adverse effects of star disease and will contribute to high spirits, stimulate feelings of happiness.
Southeast. The southeast is now mysterious and hidden. Usually three fairly straightforward, sometimes unrestrained. But this year she will be trickier. Yes, she still leads to controversy, competition, active growth, but this year it will show itself camouflaged, use secret methods, lead a hidden game. Very often with a specific eye on money. Already good that no open conflict, which the absurd usually inclines to Three, not here. Nevertheless, one must be wary of petty theft, gossip behind the back, secret rivalry of competitors. Podnatorev, you can and yourself to adopt some hidden methods of promotion. Figuring money and clandestine methods in the layout updates topics fraud, tax evasion, income hiding, secret nest egg from a wife (husband), salaries in envelopes, etc. On the other hand, this strengthening invisible control of cash flow. So if you were suddenly denied a loan for unknown reasons, Take a closer look at your southeast.
Auspicious star Tian Fu will support you in such matters as training, research, travel, moving, joining a new position.
To channel Troika’s energy into a constructive channel traditionally recommended to add in the relevant sector element of fire, it is, in theory, stimulates the work and the star Tien Phew.
However, the main emphasis in the southeast in the new year is not standing, ceteris paribus it will be the least energetic.
Author: Sultanbekova Sheli
Feng Shui New Year to all!
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Water Time Money Life