Feral aristocrat from the Pyrenees mountains

A photo from open sources

In 1807, among the French hunters hunting in the area Moncalm peak (Pyrenees mountains), rumors about a wild woman, living on hillsides in the most inaccessible places. Mysterious savage Agile, fast, flexible, she easily walked away from the people chasing her, jumping over the crevices. Hunters described the savage as tall slim amazing young beauty a girl with long hair. The villagers decided to catch a wild beauty. Having set up an ambush, they surrounded and seized her. Caught caught frantically fight back, scream, scream and bite. Peasants tied she was wrapped in a blanket and taken to the village, to the house of a local cure. The priest ordered the captive to be untied and managed to calm her down. The inhabitant of the mountains was not a young girl, but a woman of medium years. The stories about her beauty, which long gone, but dexterity, strength is really It was. The woman was not at all wild: she knew very well how use furniture, utensils, cutlery (spoon, knife, fork) and understood the difference in the social status of peasants and the priest. Savage blue-blood Cure tried to figure out who is she, where and how she ended up in the mountains, but the woman has all the questions left unanswered, although according to certain signs the cure saw that she understands him perfectly. The woman clearly sought to save in the secret is all that concerned her past. But her look! Arrogance and the contempt with which the captive looked at the peasants who caught her, betrayed her. So do not look peasant women, bazaar merchants and spouses respectable haberdashery! Clearly, this is a sense of self dignity was soaked with mother’s milk in the walls of a family castle. The woman gave herself to change clothes, they prepared a room for her and left there for the night, locking it with a key. In the morning the room was empty. The captive broke the window and ran back to the mountains, dropping from fettering her clothes. Part of the mystery reveals Oh a strange incident recognized Justice of the Peace Vernier from the town Vic Dessos. He organized a raid, the woman was caught a second time and delivered to him. Vernier settled the “savage” in his house, managed to get her location and talk. Suspicions of the cure about high the origin of the mysterious woman is fully confirmed. Manners, the style of speech clearly betrayed her as a highly born aristocrat. Judging by certain fragments of phrases, the judge found out that the woman and her husband fled France during the Great Revolution, fearing reprisals. IN the fugitives were attacked by smugglers in the mountains, they were robbed, husband died in the fray. The woman was left alone. Several years she lived in the snowy mountains. Cautious questions, why isn’t she went down to the people, the woman simply ignored. Vernier suspected that the “savage” and her family belonged to a circle of persons – ardent supporters of the ousted royal dynasty. And most likely she and her husband were involved in a conspiracy to restoration of the monarchy in France. About his suspicions Vernier reported to the county prefecture. Soon the judge received a written Indication: Immediately place the savage caught in the local prison. under enhanced protection, the fate of the prisoner will be dealt with special officer who is on his way. Document has been signed Minister of Police Joseph Foucher. The story with a ragged end The woman was placed in solitary confinement. She then lay for hours on beds without movement, then fell into hysteria. Official arrived every day interrogated the prisoner, but she stubbornly kept silent about her past and only in a weak voice did she repeat the request to let her go back to mountains, realizing that no one from anywhere in prison let go. The woman was literally melting before our eyes. October 29, 1808 she passed away, leaving us this story as a plot for a terrific historical novel.

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