A photo from open sources
Unusual and extremely warlike ants live in Florida: they “decorate” their nests with the heads of enemies – individuals another kind. Scientists for a long time could not even figure out which the goal is to do it, and when using high-speed shooting found the answer then christened these awesome trophies jaw-traps.
Formica archboldi ants interested scientists in the middle last century. One of the enthusiastic researchers of these amazing creatures, was Adrian Smith – University biologist from North Carolina. For experimental purposes, he along with a team of like-minded people recreated a colony of these insects and “introduced” several enemy ants into it, after which he began watch…
Instead of catapults and traps – stingers
The “enemy” ants are also amazing and deserve in their own way, as they say, a separate story. University Entomologists Illinois, for example, published the results of a study, dedicated to exploring the unusual abilities of Acanthognathus teledectus – formidable ants with jagged long jaws. Comparing them with traps is very successful: with a bite of an ant sting close at a fantastic speed of 40 m / s. Victim Acanthognathus teledectus, even if it does not die instantly from wounds, get out of the deadly “trap” can no longer.
A photo from open sources
Another interesting feature of these insects is the ability catapult. Among the many of their enemies, the most famous ant lion. Scientists were able to capture on a video camera, as in emergency teledectus abruptly (with fantastic speed) clicks with his mandibles, for example, on a pebble – and “shoots” own body, using the jaw as a spring. After series of experiments revealed that in about half the cases ants manage to avoid danger or get out some kind of trap is a pretty good result.
However, during the invasion of ants of the same species on the territory, occupied by another, large-scale military unfolding actions. Formica archboldi behave as a single combat unit: first stun the enemy with a shower of caustic acid, and then together tear uninvited guests to pieces (it happens that they bite in half).
Curious detail: Insectes Sociaux recently published study material that revealed the ability of both species ants to simulate each other’s smells. It speaks of a long-standing relationship. (or a certain relationship) between them, but which one – for now is unknown.
Insidious trophies
Scientists with extreme caution and at the same time very painstakingly investigated several Formica archboldi nests and concluded that these ants do not use the heads of enemies to decorate their homes and not to intimidate ill-wishers. Insects do smarter and trickier: they tear off the heads of the invaders and use their jaws like the most insidious traps you can think of. It turns out that after the death of Acanthognathus teledectus their jaws can slam and inject paralyzing poison into the unlucky visitor. Practical owners drag such victims into nests and they feed the young growth there.
In the laboratory, entomologists examined in detail the entire process, for which used a camera that shot at up to 800 frames / sec. In addition, scientists filmed time lapse length of a day, also allowing them to observe the actions of the triumphant ants after the battle. Enemies paralyzed by acid are dragged into the “pantry” (usually there food supplies are stored), where they are carefully gutted and separated. Apparently, the bodies of the vanquished become the food of the victors – researchers have repeatedly seen empty in ant nests shells that remained from the prey …
Time Insects