Findings in Antarctica in recent years

Findings in Antarctica in recent yearsPhotos from open sources of

Findings in Antarctica in recent years make us think: something in the history of our planet is not quite so.

Thanks to modern technology, man began to know the most the mysterious mainland – Antarctica, and already thoroughly, looking under the ice and digging to places where before the human foot did not enter. What do we discover: the remnants alien ships, skeletons of ancient people with elongated skulls, the military base of the German Nazis, the mysterious pyramids, clearly man-made, unfamiliar bacteria and much more that turns our view of the world, of the origin of man and its true story.

And this is despite the fact that all the secrets of Antarctica are not yet opened up. We can say that people just opened a narrow clicking the door of these amazing phenomena for us, animals and artifacts.

Antarctica is attractive to scientists because it’s practically a canned world, an icy continent, where all who rushed wanted to be away from the eyes of mankind, for example, aliens. A supporters of a flat Earth even believe that Antarctica is just the edge of our planet. And although such a statement by scientists, and not only to them, it seems absurd, is the rational link in this approach to there is knowledge of the world – it breaks the established ideas about him, because they, as it turned out, are far from completely scientific, if you rely on the latest advanced data researchers, including recent discoveries in Antarctica.

Antarctica Pyramids

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