Finger Facts

Photo from open source Indians call the thumb mother, Somalis – grandfather, Malays – the elder brother of the remaining fingers The width of the thumb (more precisely, its nail) is one of the natural length measures: so in elementary school they teach to determine the centimeter Nail thumb grows slower than anyone and twists into a spiral, if you let it grow enough. Some people in able to twist the extreme phalanx of the thumb almost in right corner back. On the feet, only thumbs have a name. For the rest, they did not come up with anything decisive. In most languages, the ring finger is not. In many european in languages ​​it is called a ring finger, since in it often rings are worn. In ancient times, there was a belief that from a straight vein in the heart leads the ring finger of the left hand, a symbol love Therefore, both the Egyptians and the Romans wore wedding rings on ring finger of the left hand In Finnish, Tatar and Persian The ring finger is also called the ring finger. According to for some linguists, this name reflects belief in magic properties of the finger and the fear of pronouncing its name When compared between people with long and people with short fingers, then the first can be very diligent, can go into details well, but people with short (especially with knobby) fingers see better general Therefore, the best administrators, managers, directors large enterprises, generals, etc. – people with short fingers. People with long fingers are not suitable for such a life journey, although they are more thoughtful, patient, caring, often softer in handling and calmer than people with short fingers. However too short fingers with a big hand indicate mental retardation, and too long fingers give the type of people lost in the little things, fearful and lacking horizons The thumb characterizes individuality of a person and a lot can say about him. The upper joint of the thumb characterizes the will and initiative, the second joint, the logic, and the third, lower joint are our heart business. The degree of manifestation of these qualities can be judged by the length corresponding joints. If a person hides his thumb (in fist, pocket, etc.), which means he hides his personality or your intentions. The node between the upper and second joints called the “independence knot”, and the knot between the second and lower joints – the “node of symmetry”. The more developed these nodes, the these qualities are more developed if the ring finger is in length approaching the length of the middle finger, then this indicates the presence of excitement in kind of a given person, but at the same time very short ring finger indicates a tendency to kill, in features if the finger is ugly and has a damaged nail than the longer, stronger and more mobile little finger, the more abilities person to oratory, the more independent and independent his character and the richer he is gifted with nature. Very few people can move the little finger independently of other fingers, while it is this ability with a well developed and long little finger indicates independence of our judgment and freedom person. (A long little finger is one that is longer in length fold between the first (nail) and second joint of the nameless finger). A short little finger means little independence and internal lack of freedom. People having a little pinky predisposed to poetry, but often live by someone else’s command, not enterprising and not taking initiative On some hands forefinger, ring finger and little finger are slightly twisted in side of the middle finger – all fingers “look” in the middle. This indicates that the person does not set himself a few, life goals differing from each other, and vice versa, outlining one the goal goes to her with a firm step. On the contrary, there are hands on which fingers curved from the middle finger. These people are not capable of concentration. They are scattered in thoughts and deeds, not reaching goals. There is also some curvature of all fingers in side of the little finger is a sign of unhappiness in thoughts, and sometimes in life If you put your hand on the table, then on one hand the fingers are on the table, as it were, evenly, and on the other, the nail joints are bent up or down “look up or down.” If your fingers look up, then the longer the nail joint is bent, the more curiosity is developed, at the same time it indicates the subtlety of feelings, courtesy, and partly wastefulness. With concavity of the upper joints to the palm there is thrift, reaching, depending on the sharpness bending, to stinginess Well-developed, moving fingers indicate moving mind. Fingers undeveloped, poorly bent – slowness of mind, often dullness Fresh fingerprint weighs approximately one millionth of a gram. It contains water, fats, proteins and salts secreted by the skin amplitude of two ten thousandths of a millimeter From the results Research by Canadian Psychologists from the University of Alberta (University of Alberta) located in Edmonton, it turns out that the ratio of the length of the index and ring fingers may indicate a level of aggressiveness and human behavior. So, the shorter the index finger of a man compared to nameless, the more noisy and aggressive he behaves. Among women no similar pattern was found.

A life

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