Finland wants to become part of Russia

A photo from open sources The sanctions war that began in Europe between EU and Russia force some European countries to seek their ways of salvation from the current situation. One of the last countries which surprised many is Finland. Among its population, all the idea of ​​close relations with the Russian Federation is becoming more widespread, from integration to joining it. In his article entitled “Could Finland become Russian Hong Kong? “, Published in Suomen Kuvalehti, writes an influential public figure, businessman and the lawyer of this country is Hannah Krogerus. From his point of view, this is not only quite possible, but also necessary economically. Finland just obliged to take the opportunity to receive status by with respect to the Russian Federation, like what Hong Kong has to mainland To China. Despite the risk of economic collapse, the current young generation of Finnish politicians guided by the interests of a narrow strata of the country, seek to achieve complete isolation of Finland from Russia, writes a Finnish lawyer. And this is the opinion of many famous people in this country. So, the Finnish parliamentarian from the party “True Finns” Juho Eerola announced the need for creations military alliance Finland-Russia. He considers it the only the right option to ensure the security of your country. And his Hemmo Koskiniemi, a fellow party member, even proposed joining the Russian Federation. “Russia is for us the most reliable partner we trust,” – said the deputy. Recall that before the 1917 revolution, Finland was part of the Russian Empire, but had enough Independence – Swedish laws, your currency and customs. Other Finnish human rights activist Johan Beckman is sure that such a sharp a change in outlook has occurred over the past year amid EU and NATO actions that simply have no future. He thinks that the collapse of both blocks is simply a matter of the near future. Therefore The Prime Minister of Finland expressed his point of view. Recently, he expressed support for the idea of ​​integration with the Russian Federation. According to the same Beckman, a similar step can be implemented by joining the country to the Customs Union.

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