Photo from open source Paku fish are found in South America, mostly found in the lower reaches of the Amazon. Like this tropical fish caught on the hook of a fisherman who fished in New Jersey Lake (in the northeastern United States, almost in Canada) is not clear. Nonetheless, Ron Rossi in Swids Lake caught this amazing exotic fish with human teeth.
Paku fish made a real sensation after being shown in the Animal Planet program – in the Jeremy Wade show, who introduced her as some kind of river monster biting off male genitalia. According to Wade, in Papua New Guinea Paku several fishermen were castrated, and all these unfortunates died from severe bleeding. Naturally, the Paku fish became Internet sensation, they even began to compare it with piranhas.
Paku actually belong to the same fish family as piranhas, but feed mainly on plants and certainly not testicles fishermen or swim in the Amazon. True teeth really similar to human and so strong jaws at the same time strong that Paku can easily crack nuts with them. By the way, even piranhas in the wild never attack a person, as a rule, they only “become animals” in enclosed bodies of water, where they nothing to eat. The same can be said about the pack, which is scary only in the imagination of journalists and woe-storytellers.
But to the north, this tropical fish, according to scientists, moved, apparently, thanks to unlucky lovers aquariums that are often brought from tropical countries all kinds of cute tiny fish, and when they grow up in meter giants, just release them into local lakes and rivers. Here so paku, obviously, ended up in New Jersey Swans Lake.