Flat Earth supporters held a conference, discussing on it the “true” form of our planet

Flat Earth Supporters Held a Conference Discussing at ItA photo from open sources

According to The Telegraph, in Birmingham Misty Albion hosted a not-so-ordinary “scientific” conference under called Flat Earth Convention, which gathered supporters flat earth theory.

Within three working days, the assembled, of whom there were almost 200 people, they discussed the most burning issue for them – what our planet actually has a form. Notice the unity among them, in this regard, there were no conference participants united only one thing – the Earth is by no means spherical (ellipsoidal) as represented by academic science.

Some of the audience represented our planet in the form of a disk, surrounded by a wall of ice. Others talked about the heavenly hemisphere, which covers the “chalice of the Earth”, still others suggested that humanity lives on intertwined rings, and so on.

A photo from open sources

The most interesting, to some extent even funny, you can name the view of one of the participants of Flat Earth Convention, which presented the shape of the Earth in the form of a rhombus, on the edges of which acts Packman’s space distortion effect, making the same ships or planes instantly teleport to the opposite edge the planet.

There were other bold statements, for example, that no gravity does not exist at all, which fundamentally destroys the theory Big Bang, as fundamental in the formation of stars and planets, rotating near them.

The main thing is that the Earth is not spherical …

Despite the “some differences” in the assessment, how is it all the same looks like our planet, gathered every performance accompanied cheers and applause. And in the end, when on NASA video footage appeared on the demo screen the conferences simply started off with laughter, whistling and hooting. But exclusively everyone accepted the special goods with approval, released for this momentous event in the life of supporters Flat Earth: T-shirts with a bright inscription “Flat Power” (Flat Power), flat disk cards and special levels for checking of this.

As the organizer proudly told reporters conference Gary John (Gary John), the main thing is not that like-minded Flat Earth were able to get together today and discuss urgent issues of this unique movement against the dominance of lies of scientists and authorities. We are seeing a real explosion of interest to flat earth theory around the world, as well as people’s distrust of governments and their ministers from among Orthodox scholars. And this very happy …

True, Gary John could not intelligibly explain paparazzi why are the views of those gathered on the shape of the earth so they differ, what to speak about its “plane”, in general, even somehow uncomfortable. It turns out that the “flat Earth” is a conditional concept, which differs from the “spherical Earth” only in negation an established view of the shape of the planet. And nothing more …

Presumably, notes The Telegraph, that after that already soon another video from Flat Earth supporters with a big name, such as “Views on the form flat Earths are different, but the essence is one – the truth! ”

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