Flying dinosaurs ruled the sky in antiquity

Flying dinosaurs ruled the sky in antiquityPhotos from open sources of

In ancient times, flying lizards ruled the sky, why apparently, there are legends about dragons in almost everyone of the people of our planet because some of these winged beasts could well survive even before the era of the appearance of man.

If previously it was believed that pterosaurs became extinct long before the fall of a huge asteroid to Earth, which practically put the end of the era of dinosaurs, today paleontologists completely refuted this theory, proving that giant flying dinosaurs dominated on earth is longer than all other ancient animals. And therefore 66 million years ago (the estimated time of the fall of the asteroid, which led to planetary catastrophe and dramatic changes in the animal world Earth) they didn’t even think of decaying, on the contrary, experienced the greatest flowering, that is, they ruled in the sky and had virtually no natural enemies.

A photo from open sources

This hypothesis was confirmed by the recent discovery of the remains a new type of flying dinosaur. The unique bones of the pterosaur were discovered in a phosphate mine during excavations in Monaco. From their fellow (found and well studied earlier) this flying the dinosaur is truly enormous in size. Enough say that its wingspan reached 10 meters, however, perhaps this is not the largest representative of this species pterosaurs.


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