“Flying Saucer” has been patented in the US yet in 1944, but proved to be a premature invention

A photo from open sources

Everyone knows how journalists love to reason in the subjunctive mood: they say, if Nikola Tesla managed to realize his a project of infinite and free energy, our world today would be completely different, and so on and so forth …

Indeed, in the history of darkness and darkness, such seductive “if”. For example, at the beginning of the last century the question was solved, how Earth aviation will go the way – through airplanes or airships. Today, most scientists are inclined to believe that the “air way” turned out to be the worst, but at that moment (as, incidentally, always) won not common sense, much less concern for future generations, but monetary interest.

He played a similar “joke” with the brilliant American inventor Alexander Weigers, who all his life designed air vehicles very similar to the classic ones “flying saucers” aliens.

The first version of such a unique device, later named discopter, Weigers designed in 1927. But then even the inventor himself considered his brainchild too fantastic and not meeting the optimal ratio of its flying opportunities and cost. By the fortieth years, however, Alexander made significant progress in improving the “plate”, which in 1944 he even patented and offered to the military US agency.

A photo from open sources

But at that time there was a second world war, and funds for development new aircraft, even those unique (with vertical take-off and landing), the U.S. Air Force was not found. But because Despite the considerable hype in the press, Weigers’s discounter came, as they say, not in time and not in court.

Why the USA did not return to this project after, remains a riddle. It is assumed that in the hands of the military fell much more interesting developments by German scientists who also worked “flying saucers.” Then, do not discount the UFO crash that occurred in 1947 near the city of Roswell, thanks to which the Pentagon could get technology an order of magnitude above earthly.

But if all this is true, then why are the “flying saucers” of Americans before still appear only in the arguments of conspiracy theorists, while how the Pentagon releases fabulously expensive and completely inefficient military aircraft that are exposed to reasonable criticism not only in Russia but throughout the world? ..

Time Nikola Tesla Russia Aircraft USA

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