Folk omens for October

Folk omens for October

The autumn month of October is referred to as ‘muddy’ due to the constant rain and slush. This month, the field work ends, and the time for weddings begins, the days while away, and in the evenings it blows cold. About October, people say “autumn until lunchtime, winter until evening.” The signs of October are based on the signs of weather conditions.

Folk omens for October allow you to determine the weather for the coming winter and spring.

Signs about the weather

  • if it is warm in October, it will be cold in winter;
  • in October, prolonged frosts – to a harsh winter;
  • thunder in the rain – to a short and snow-white winter;
  • the east wind blows in early October – dry weather is coming soon, the wind from the west – rain and slush, the north winds predict a cold;
  • There is a lot of snow all month – in spring the snow will not leave the field for a long time;
  • snow fell in October – expect winter cold in 40 days;
  • moon in cloudy circles – drought in summer.

It was in the second autumn month that the peasants noticed that from what date the first frosts would begin or it would snow – from that date in the spring to expect warmth.

Signs about the weather

Signs about nature

In October, people say – ‘Look at nature and remember the weather’. According to the signs for October, the nature of the autumn month, people interpret what will be the next winter and the harvest.

  • leaves quickly crumbled – a sign promises severe frosts;
  • in October the leaves do not fall and are green – there will be a warm and short winter;
  • if the birch has not thrown off the leaves, no snow will be expected soon;
  • trees bloom again – there will be a warm winter;
  • collected a lot of spruce cones – signs for October promise a good harvest of spring crops;
  • birds fly from below in October – expect a harsh winter;
  • cranes and geese are in no hurry to fly away – warm winter;
  • birds fly high and cry quietly – towards a long autumn.

Folk omens by day

  1. The first frost and flight of cranes. If the cranes flew, wait two more weeks for the first frost. The peasants are drying the rose hips.
  2. Trofima and Zosima. Bee nine begins. From the second day in 9 days it is necessary to prepare the hives for winter. On October 2, people observe the geese, if the birds nibble the leaves, the hives must be removed from the apiary. They also choose brides and grooms on Zosima – matchmakers go to their homes.
  3. Astafiev day. Strong winds are blowing and the peasants celebrate the festival of the mills. According to signs, if October 3 is a warm and foggy day, snow will not appear soon.
  4. Kondrat and Ignat. The day predicts the weather until November 4th. If it is cold in the morning and warm at night, expect bad weather.
  5. Jonah and Phocia. If the moon is red, a sign promises a strong wind.
  6. Forerunner or Iraida Controversial. Wild animals change their fur coat – to early frosts. For those who are experiencing financial difficulties, the Forerunner can be guessed at about finances.
  7. Thekla. According to signs, thunder on the 7th – there will be a short winter, and the bright sun – wait for the weather to change. On this day, the peasants begin to grind bread and heat the ovens. On Thekla, the day is shorter and the night is longer. On this day, wedding ceremonies are held. They say about the fate of the newlyweds – ‘What Thekla tied, you cannot untie.’
  8. Sergius of Radonezh (skit). A south wind blows in the morning – for a warm winter, a north wind – for a cold one. The leaf hangs on the birch – don’t expect snow. The peasants are harvesting sauerkraut.
  9. John the Evangelist. October 9 watching the sky. Bright stars – signs predict good weather, dim ones – for snow or rain. A leaf from trees rarely falls – in a harsh winter.
  10. Savvaty the bee. Until that day, the bees completely go into the hive.
  11. Khariton. Dangerous day – they can cause damage or evil eye. On October 11, you cannot throw out the garbage from the hut – on garbage, evil spirits bring trouble to the family.
  12. Theophanes time. There will be no sun heat. By the sign, if there are many stars in the sky – by dry autumn. Fog in the evening – no frost in the morning.
  13. Feast of Michael and Gregory. According to signs, if there is snow on Mikhail, it means a late winter. Birds fly away – soon snow will fall, and frost will hit. The first snow on Michael’s Day promises a fruitful summer. Young women burn their old linen and bedding in order to meet winter in everything new.
  14. Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. If there is no snow on the Pokrov, according to signs there will be no snow until Christmas. Where the wind blows on that day – frost will come from there. It is believed that if a wedding is made from the Intercession, the young people will have happiness and prosperity.
  15. On Kupriyan and Ustinya, if the sky is clear, there will be frost. The peasants go to church, worship the images of the holy martyrs Justina and Kupriyan, in order to protect themselves and the house from demons.
  16. Dionysius. There are low clouds in the sky – signs promise frost or snow. The birds gathered in a flock and screamed strongly – towards clear weather. Sparrows fly in flocks – wait for the cold. On Dionysius they carry with them aspen bark, it is believed that it is a strong amulet against evil spirits.
  17. Erofei. After Erofei, the cold grows stronger, winter puts on a fur coat. You can’t go to the forest on Erofei – people believe that on this day goblin come out of the trees and can lure into the thicket.
  18. Kharitina. If the snow has not fallen before Kharitina, and leaves remain on the birch, the winter will be long. The fog disappears after sunrise – the weather will be good. A flock of birds flies together across the sky – a harsh winter. Women sit down at the weaving of canvases.
  19. Fomin and Denis. According to signs, the first snow on October 19 is a fruitful summer. On Thomas, the owner of the house conducts an audit of barns and bins, counts how much food is stored.
  20. Bacchus and Sergius. On October 20, the owner of the house first feeds the cattle, and then eats himself. Housewives put on a new scarf so that the head does not hurt all year round. Good daytime weather for three weeks. The snow that fell on this day will soon melt. On this day, they were afraid to give birth, according to omen, the birth of a child on Sergius day predicts a difficult fate for him.
  21. Tryphon and Pelageya. On Tryphon, the peasants open their chests and take out fur coats and caftans. Women sew mittens. Low clouds in the sky – severe frosts soon.
  22. Jacob. The fox barks at Jacob – to changeable weather. If the first snow falls, wait 40 days for the winter.
  23. Evlampy. According to signs, there is slush and mud in the yard – do not expect snow until November 4. People say – ‘Evlampy plucks torches and blows the fire’ – a sign means that on October 23, peasants harvest torches (dry wood chips to illuminate the hut).
  24. Philip’s day. The moon is closing with a dull haze – according to signs there will be snowfall, a clear moon is shining – towards frost. This day is considered a bath day – the whole family bathes in the bath and drinks herbal teas.
  25. Provo day. On October 25, you cannot do work, wash, sew, weave, quarrel with neighbors. According to the omen, who was born on Prova – will sip grief.
  26. Feast of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God. If the rooster sings before nine in the evening, expect rain.
  27. Friday Paraskevia. A pregnant woman is forbidden to comb her hair so as not to anger Saint Paraskeva Friday, the intercessor and protector of women.
  28. Autumn Efim day. Blue sky in the morning – signs for October promise a quick improvement in the weather. Clouds at sunrise – there will be snow.
  29. Day of the centurion Longinus. The pale moon came out – signs promise frost and snow. The sun wanders in the clouds – to a rainy day. On the centurion’s winter clothes are hung out on the street to cleanse.
  30. Hosea day. The peasants put the cart in the sheds and prepare the sleds. In the evening they listen, if you hear a cuckoo in the forest – to the frost.
  31. Luke. If a cherry leaf hangs on a tree, the fallen snow will melt.

October is the month of harvest, winter preparations and weddings. According to the weather, it is believed that what October is, this will be April. Ancient forecasts and weather predictions are much more accurate than modern synoptic data.

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