Until recently, the mysterious “chupacabra” inhabited northwestern regions of Ukraine: the first information about it appeared in 2003 in the Ternopil region. In 2009, rabbits with sucked blood began to be found in the Lviv region, then in the Kiev region and Chernihiv region. The attacks of an unknown beast were recorded in Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr and Khmelnitsky regions. And now in Zaporizhzhya Territory “monster” began to play pranks. In the midst of summer disturbing information came from the Pologovsky district. With a difference in for three weeks, the pet ripper visited the courtyards of the villages Chapaevka and Horse Discord, scaring the locals. “I can say exactly that it’s not a wolf or a dog, such behavior is not for them characteristic “In the yard to the Sadovy family, residents of the village of Horse Razdor, the beast visited on the night of the first of August. – I went out into the yard about seven in the morning and found the absence of two goats out of four, – tells 40-year-old Vladimir Sadovoy. – We never animals on they didn’t lock the night in the barn, because we live almost in the center sat down and thought that we had nothing to fear. Decided that this is a spouse the goats were untied and rearranged to graze in another place. But Svetlana said she didn’t. There were no goats in the garden either, and I thought they were stolen. One is a young kid, I’ve been her for three months I bought it back, but I’m sorry for the milking goat, which is already five years old. Who is still, if not a man, he can tear out a massive stake from the earth, to to which animals were tied? I scored this metal rod always very deep so that the goats would not loosen it while they were running around, and before, even a cow was tied to him. The most important thing: when I was returning home from work at about one in the morning, the goats were on spot! Photo from open sources Vladimir Sadovoy: “Now, after that cases, we worry about both domestic animals and children, and ourselves at night it will be scary to go out into the yard. “I called the police. Employees of the Pologovsky district police department arrived with a dog handler and service shepherd. In my opinion, the dog behaved strangely, somehow nervously or something. She found the loss, but no longer follow in the footsteps wanted to. Our goat was lying on the ground with a torn belly. Internal organs were in place, only about a third of the liver left, the meat is not touched. And on the throat are traces of large fangs. And there is no blood at all! Neither on the animal, nor around. For the fox such a goat is an unbearable burden; it weighed 60 kilograms. We then with a neighbor alone, the remains of the animal were barely carried away to bury. Most importantly, 50 meters, no less, the goat moved as if through the air – no traces of dragging! How is this possible? Animal bore her teeth, or what? Or … in the paws? – But a wolf, as far as it is known to throw prey on its back. – I can say for sure that it’s not a wolf or a dog, they killed a goat, for them it’s not characteristic. The wolf always grabs prey by the throat and snatches the Adam’s apple. A Adam’s apple is not touched here. By the way, the kid was never found. Pity that our yard dog recently died, maybe she would bark? Stayed only a puppy, but he is so small that he does not even know how to bark. We did not hear any suspicious noises. In our family recently the baby appeared, because the wife sleeps very sensitively. Now we are experiencing and for pets, and for children, and even at night it will be in the yard it’s scary to go out and come back from work in the dark. About Chupacabra they do not speak in Horse Discord. Suggest that maybe some sick animal snoops around the backyard or mutant. One of Neighbors Vladimir Sadovoy recalled that her friend had three months back some animal killed chickens and tore a goat. There were also other villagers have similar attacks on poultry and cattle. The screams of a nocturnal predator were like … the screams of a March cat Journalists from the canopy newspaper “Rayonka” an alarming fact not left unattended. Moreover, they already did a month ago photo report from the village of Chapaevka, which is ten kilometers from Konskikh Razdorov, where they even saw an unknown animal. A resident of the village Catherine Nosco told the reporter that she went out early in the morning from home and heard a rooster screaming. “Already bursts,” – explained female. The hostess went into the chicken coop and saw that one chicken huddled in a corner, and on the other from above sits some terrible beast. – I screamed, and she jumped fast, crawled through the lattice, I didn’t even have time to trace where it went, – explains pensioner. – Another ten hens were barely alive, there were a lot of feathers. Each bird had traces of fangs on its neck, two holes. Maybe she wanted to drink the blood from them? The hens were still warm even moved. I decided to cut them – it became a pity. I went to put water, and when she returned, she saw that this creature was sitting nearby and looking at me! Ekaterina Grigoryevna managed consider the so-called chupacabra before she hid in thickets of corn. According to the description of the woman, the animal was dark red colors with brown spots, similar to a dog. Sharp ears stand upside down, a large mouth with huge fangs and a fluffy tail. The front legs are much smaller than the hind legs. Jumping like a kangaroo, and “meows” loudly and anxiously, like a lynx. Selyanka said that in the same day, her daughter-in-law went to Pologi in a veterinary clinic with one of crushed chickens. Women thought that they could conduct it there. examination of the object of the attack. Alas, it turned out that in the district center such analyzes are not performed. But they recommended not to eat poultry, and feathers to burn. Veterinarians suggested that most likely the robbery translations of a fox or a dog crossed with a wolf. Second case oh which told “District”, also occurred in Chapaevka. Galina Luhanina told the canopy journalists that the unknown the animal visited her yard twice: in early May and in June. Female woke up at dawn from the fact that she was feeling ill. And when opened the window, then I heard a terrible scream of some beast, after what the cock cried. It turned out that over night she disappeared from her yard most poultry. Only feathers reminded of them the fence that the night visitor had to overcome. Photos from open sources A resident of the village of Chapaevka Galina Luhanina shows scratches on the barn and traces of soil on metal mesh in the place where I climbed through it at night guest (author photo) – The first time I decided that it was a neighbor’s dog I’ve done such a disaster. But the dog will not be so high to climb, “complained Galina Petrovna. Woman demonstrated scratches on the barn and the remains of soil on the metal mesh are almost two meter high! That is, the beast climbed through it, and not jumped over. Galina Lukhanina did not see the robber alive, but found his footprints in the garden: according to them and suggested that the beast moves mainly on its hind legs, and the front pushes off the ground. Well, the cries of the animal were like … screams of the march cat. For two visits, “chupacabra” took away with courtyard of 18 chickens, about three dozen chickens and 10 indochat. A the remaining birds are so scared that even people are afraid. “Foxes, patients with rabies lose their sense of fear “- It is entirely possible that this was before, but only two villagers turned to me, – the local veterinarian Inna comments on the situation Freeze. – Last year, a similar incident occurred in Horse Discord: an unknown animal also strangled the bird, and even rushed at people! The victims then even lay in the hospital. Those, who saw the “chupacabra” claim that it is similar at the same time to a fox and a kangaroo. I can only say that this creature is intelligent – Does not take dohlyatinu, only fresh meat. Maybe with her scream paralyzes the victims and therefore manages to gnaw his throat so quickly several birds at once? “I know about these cases,” says Head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine in the Pologovsky District Victor Polyak. – But the animal was not caught, not photographed, because I can’t say with certainty who it was. People even saw it. being. According to their stories, he has large hind legs, and the front smaller. Between themselves, the villagers call him “chupacabra.” And from the point view of veterinary medicine it may be a sick fox. The patient rabies or some other disease, because her body, according to description, covered with fine hair, almost bald. By the size is also more suitable for the fox, rather than the raccoon dog, which is usually smaller. While joking: an unknown beast to science. – A Is it typical for a fox to take one chicken and strangle the rest? – You know, the hens are starting to make a commotion, here are their foxes strangled. Most importantly, in all cases the animals were in the open, not in houses or sheds. Unknown animal had easy access to them. Attacks on domestic animals with us have been before. If we talk about foxes with rabies, then such animals lose their sense of fear. And our region is dysfunctional in rabies, around the steppe, animals have where to hide. In the past more than ten cases of rabies were recorded in the district over the year. By the way, according to the press service of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, for the first half of 2013 in the region identified and laboratory-confirmed rabies in 81 animals, most of them are foxes – 25. – By the end of the week, police together with rangers of forestry and hunters plans to comb around to find or drive away unknown beast from the village, – said the deputy chief precinct Pologovsky regional department of militia Alexander Onishchenko. – We must protect the population from possible attacks, protect them pets, cattle and poultry. Another attack an unknown beast recorded in the Ukrainian village of Peschanka. At night On August 3, an unknown creature in a village in the Dnipropetrovsk region attacked the rabbits. According to eyewitnesses: “We were sleeping, when suddenly heard the barking and incomprehensible whining of dogs (it was about at 2:30 a.m.). We went outside and were horrified, near the cage with rabbits an animal unknown to us sat and tormented the poor rabbit. It reminded us a bit of a big dog, but we haven’t got anything like it yet have seen. When they took a flashlight and began to approach it, it’s for a moment and a half meter jumped over and disappeared. We came to the cage, but there was no rabbit in it, and what’s most surprising is the cell was closed. The rabbit lay beside her bloodless and without entrails (entrails lay nearby), the cell was all scratched and gnawed! The same situation happened that night at neighbors. “Unknown beast, visit not only our rabbits, but also to the neighbors. Mysterious beast transmitted about 20 bird heads. Were there bites on the corpses, people did not pay attention, but the cells were torn so that no dog could do it! Local veterinarians came to inspect everything, but they haven’t seen such tracks and anything like it! Photos from open sources Photos from open sources Photos from open sources
Kangaroo Cats Birds Dogs Chupacabra