Found the body of a fairy or an alien?

Found the body of a fairy or an alien?Photos from open sources of

People know about the tiny fantastic inhabitants of our planet with deep antiquity. We call them fairies and elves. However still it is not known for certain who these tiny creatures are – the fruit human imagination, inhabitants of a parallel world with us or aliens?

Orthodox scholars insist that no mythical creatures do not exist, as, however, and little aliens. However, why, then, fairies and elves no no no accidentally fall into lenses of numerous modern cameras, people often see them firsthand, and dwarf aliens like the famous Kyshtym Aleshenka or Chilean Ata – are not evidence that around us there is some other miniature world?

The find of Brian Förster, who earlier this year found in Mexico is a mysterious creature – a small humanoid with wings, may serve as another proof of the existence of such a world. It’s not yet clear what Bryan’s find is, since it may be a dead fairy, it is possible that something else – the corpse of a little alien from space.

Furster’s mysterious creature is currently in local museum. With the help of X-ray it is established that the dead an alien has a skeleton, Bryan himself with a diploma biologist, I’m sure that this is not a doll and not a fake, there is only do DNA analysis to prove his theory of discovery mysterious humanoid. But the researcher himself has no money to such an expensive analysis, and official science, of course, doesn’t wants to do it.

Perhaps he’s even afraid: what if Förster’s find is actually will not be fake, then what? Which of today’s orthodox science will take the liberty of recognizing that our world is completely built not as we imagine it for more than one century? Yes and who will allow this from those omnipotent illuminati who perfectly know everything and just lead humanity by the nose …


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