Free pizza from the restaurant for what you turn off your smartphone

Free pizza from the restaurant for turning off your smartphoneA photo from open sources

A couple of days ago we shared with our readers a funny information on how in Peru restaurant visitors are riveted to chairs so that they do not run away without paying for the service. We offer you to get acquainted with the completely opposite approach to restaurant service that deserves attention and unconditional respect.

The dependence of a modern person on a smartphone is growing with menacing speed. In contrast to this dangerous trend, the company Curry Pizza in Fresno, California to your customers a discount for live conversations with each other. To people It is proposed to lock their smartphones while they are in restaurant, and just chat with each other. Discount applies into groups of four or more people, each of which has working smartphone. By accepting this condition, visitors to Curry Pizza get big pizza for free, however, during the next visiting them institutions. If they are set to charity can then donate this pizza to homeless fresno.

Co-owner of the company Varinder Malhi admitted FOX News reporters that inspired this idea own experience. In the desire to set a good example for your children, the man decided, while at home, to use the smartphone only in emergency cases. Satisfied with the result, he decided extend the experience gained to restaurant visitors.

Malchi explained: in order to be eligible for a discount “Talk each other, “the group must be at least four a person – it is with such a number of interlocutors that communication occurs most naturally. All group members must have smartphones that restaurant staff will block while eating. To prevent scammers from taking advantage of the discount, Curry Pizza cashier checks all gadgets to make sure they work, not are old phones or replicas.

An unusual discount was announced recently, but even for short expiration after this Curry Pizza provided its customers with about a hundred large free pizzas. Varinder Malhi says that during a laid-back, sincere communication with each other people enjoy, getting kinder and better. This is evidenced even by the fact that almost all discounted customers send won pizzas homeless. And this is just great!

Peru Time Smartphones

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