French letterball is over tragedy

A photo from open sources PHOTO: AP In a French city Clermont-Ferrand 57-year-old man dies after drinking 56 glasses of strong alcohol, reports France Info. In one of the city bars he took part in the so-called competition “shooters”, the goal which – to make as many “shots” as possible, that is, to drink as many small glasses as possible (from 50 to 100 grams) in which usually pour vodka, rum, liquor or whiskey. Man beat previous record by drinking 56 glasses of various hard liquors. However, the joy of victory was overshadowed – the record holder fell into alcohol to whom. And a little later, taken to the hospital by an ambulance, died. This game has recently become popular among young people, says Laurent Gerbo, professor of public health at University Clinic of Clermont-Ferrand. And although she is famous quite a long time ago, interest in her, in his opinion, is heated in social networks. The question now is whether responsible for the death of the person the owner of the bar. Helper the prosecutor of the republic in the court of Clermont-Ferrand believes that in this the situation may well be considered as unintentional murder.


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