French ornithologists train raven to collect trash in the parks

French ornithologists train raven to collect garbage in parksA photo from open sources

We have written more than once how ravens are smart, cunning, and sometimes even recklessly playful when it comes to their relationship, say with street dogs or cats. But sometimes these birds do not mind wipe the nose even of a person, showing, for example, such miracles, like garbage collection on the streets of the city (they pick up their own butts, pieces of paper and take them to the urn).

This quality of the raven has long been noticed by ornithologists, not so long ago, by for example, use smart birds to collect garbage in parks Guessed the specialists of one of the French cleaning companies, who organized in the park Puy du Fu of the village of Les Ephesus (Western France, Vendée region) territory clearance experiment nature reserve with the help of ravens (see video).

Birds collect cigarette butts, paper and other small rubbish left by numerous guests of the park, among which, as practice shows, every year more unscrupulous and poorly educated people. Crows, of course, sometimes they themselves pick up trash for such unfortunate tourists, but experts with using encouraging feeding we decided to organize feathered and make them permanent cleaners of the protected area. And judging by everything, the organizers of this experiment, the results exceeded all expectations …

This is not surprising, assure ornithologists, smart birds, you will not say anything. For example, more recently, one crow on station Kinshicho the capital of the Land of the Rising Sun even contrived wresting a credit card from the hands of a Japanese woman – and not just like that: she is right there tried to use a credit card to buy a train ticket through ATM, having previously familiarized yourself with this procedure …

Therefore, a huge energy plus a considerable intellect of this bird many experts have long been trying to use, as they say, for peaceful purposes. Puy du Fu’s French Cleaners Initiative this case is not unique, even earlier similar experiments were carried out Dutch ornithologists. And again – successfully …


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