Freshwater Monsters – Catfish

Freshwater Monsters - CatfishPhotos from open sources of

Scientists in alarm: inevitably changing environmental the situation led to the behavior of these giants becoming unpredictable. Of course, catfish are not sharks or crocodiles, however they are predators and therefore represent a certain danger.

Unpredictable killer catfish

Soma live up to hundreds of years and are perfectly adapted to conditions habitat. However, being mainly underwater orderlies, they often become killers.

A photo from open sources

These giants prefer quiet ponds, where they most often become the prey of fishermen. For example, in the Kapchagai reservoir (Kazakhstan) a few years ago they caught a catfish 2m 74cm long and weighing more than a centner. Our “domestic” copies can weigh and three hundred kilograms, reaching a length of four to five meters. There are cases when fishermen saw much larger catfish. On the lake Issyk-Kul is even a monument to one of these giants. it the bone skeleton of a natural mouth of a huge catfish, which looks like an arch, under which any adult can freely pass.

Soma always ambush

Terrible fishes can be personally observed in the Kazakh river Ilek. That is why swimming is officially prohibited there. All reality the danger to life these creatures carry is easy imagine remembering the tragic incident in the Voronezh reservoir (took place about fifteen years ago), when the gigantic catfish attacked the child and the girl. But in Khabarovsk, many are still remember the incident that happened about half a century ago, when a giant catfish dragged a little boy under the water. Furious inhabitants unsuccessfully tried to catch the monster, but only the military managed track him down and shoot from machine guns.

A photo from open sources

Soms prefer to hunt by attacking from an ambush. To your victim they pounce from below and drag it to the depths. About amazing stories were once told by the Ukrainian media. On the fifteen meter in the depths near the island of Khortitsa divers found a sunken a ship in the hole of which was a stuck five-meter catfish. IN the remains of the three passengers of the sunken found in his entrails motor ship – Polish citizens. It is noteworthy that the local population this fact was not considered surprising. According to the local people, toothy monsters often attack humans and even fishing boats …

Lipetsk Monster

One of these monsters once appeared in Matyrsky. reservoir, also called the Lipetsk Sea. Many eyewitnesses They said that this monster was simply incredible in size. It brazenly and with impunity hosted in a pond and devoured game there, as well as domestic animals, including dogs. One of the local fishermen – Semyon Lvov – in the morning, as usual, went fishing. Suddenly he saw a shape sliding in the water something huge and dark. In the next moment, the gigantic body fish rose into the air, splashing water, and immediately dived back, hid in the depths. Recovering, the fisherman realized that he had seen incredibly large catfish: in length he had about ten meters.

A photo from open sources

Dangerous scavenger catfish

Similar unusual fish are famous for the rivers of Thailand. So in Mekong was caught almost three-meter catfish, weighing nearly three centner. Since this catch was officially fixed at the state level, Thai catfish recognized the world’s largest freshwater fish.

A photo from open sources

For Russian rivers, hundred-kilogram mustachioed creatures are a matter of ordinary. Buried in silt, catfish become almost invisible in water. But already in the old days, villagers knew well how much these huge toothy creatures are dangerous. Before women they started washing clothes in the river, their husbands carefully examined pond in order to make sure that there are no large catfish …

Usually these fish hunt early in the morning or evening, so in this time should not be bathed in unfamiliar places. Although the catfish in mostly scavengers and eat dead organisms, it’s worth to be attentive. The geography of distribution of these fish is very wide: catfish live in almost any fresh water of our the planet. Therefore, deciding to swim in an unfamiliar place, be be careful!

Giants Water Kazakhstan Monsters Fish

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