A photo from open sources
Among the vast array of different signs and superstitions, invented by mankind in the entire history of its existence, there are those that are most widespread throughout to the world. Among them are superstitions related to Friday, on the 13th of the month. This superstition is practically known. everyone and a lot of people believe in him. Everyone knows the situation when people scared by the scary stories of Friday the 13th, each their fall, every failure and every misfortune is associated precisely with this afternoon. Let the car break down, turn off the electricity in the house or fired from work – it turns out that all this is no accident. Some, especially superstitious people, on Friday the 13th Locked all day at home, do not answer the phone calls, do not look out the window and do not open doors for anyone, waiting with the impatience of the moment when this day will end. Friday the 13th in many cultures it is considered a day of failure and unhappiness, a bloody day. The historical development of this superstition is connected not only with unsuccessful On the 13th, the so-called “damn dozen,” but also on Friday – the fifth day of the week – however, initially no connection between them It was. Where did this superstition come from? The combination of Friday and the 13th, overwhelming fear for many people originates in the deep antiquities. If you believe the oldest beliefs, then on this day always 12 witches flocked to the Sabbath, ghouls and other evil spirits gathered, and in the midst of fun, when the full moon rises, the thirteenth Satan himself appeared. In Christian culture, it is believed that on Friday the 13th, Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit; exactly at this sinister Friday Cain ruthlessly killed his brother Abel. The crucifixion of Christ happened on Friday. The Thirteenth Apostle at the Last Supper was Judas, who betrayed Christ. Since ancient times Friday the 13th is called “black.” Another reason for this superstition is a real historical fact that tells that on Friday, April 13, 1307, a large the number of members is very rich and powerful at the time organizations – Order of the Templars. They were thrown into jail, and after a short time, they were burned at the holy bonfire Inquisition as heretics. Since then tension around friday 13th, overshadowed by this story, intensified and overgrown with many superstitions, mysteries and secrets. Superstition about Friday at the end of the 18th century 13th so strongly entrenched in the minds of the English people, that the authorities decided to publicly prove the absurdity of this terrible signs. For this, a ship was built under the “black” name “Friday”. Its construction began on Friday the 13th. On the water he was also released on Friday the 13th, and in front of the general public Again, on Friday the 13th, the ship went into the open sea. Since “Friday” no one else saw: the ship with the crew disappeared without a trace. Since then, the old omen about the “black” Friday is still then makes many sailors around the world put off under any a pretext for going to the open sea on this day. Friday the 13th also connected one of the most notorious shipwrecks of the XX century, shocking the imagination of many Americans. Friday the 13th of December 1907 one of the largest ships at that time – built in 1902 the seven-masted schooner “Thomas Laurson” – crashed on reefs. Interestingly, the Spanish and Portuguese sailors Friday 13th, on the contrary, is considered a very favorable day for sailing. it due to the fact that Christopher Columbus on Friday began his historical voyage to the shores of the still unknown America. Besides Many surgeons are afraid of sailors on Friday the 13th. For this day some doctors do not prescribe surgeries, but surgeries already assigned transferred to any other day. English doctors are convinced that the risk of failure of an operation performed on Friday the 13th increases twice. This superstition did not pass by computer users who consider Black Friday the most dangerous in the afternoon in terms of virus attacks. At the dawn of the computer age many virus creators have installed a mechanism triggering the malicious properties of the virus on this particular day. IN Friday the 13th is not recommended transactions and celebrate weddings. It is believed that it’s better not to go out on this day at all. times from home. According to the laws of the US state of Indiana, in Friday the 13th all black cat owners releasing their pets walk outside, must wear collars with voiced bells. An interesting fact is that the 13th months on Friday falls more often than on any other day weeks. To avoid the dire consequences of Friday the 13th, according to popular beliefs, you just need to visit this day church.