Photo from open sources
Recently it became known that in one of the villages of Tatarstan a bigfoot or even a yeti group has appeared that brings fear to locals. It all started with the fact that at night they became unusual to behave dogs. With the onset of darkness they were taken first barking furiously, then clogging into their kennels, where it is plaintive whined. The owners of the animals immediately realized what was happening, and scared no less than their four-legged friends.
About what is happening to domestic journalists told a certain Igor Sokolov. For some reason, the man refused to give the name the village where these mysterious events take place, however, said that It is located about 40 kilometers from Kazan. According to Igor, he does not live in this village, but recently drove there for business. The Russian was struck by the impassable here and some dead forest in which for some reason the birds do not sing and rustles and other sounds of the presence of animals are heard, as if something scared all living creatures here.
Knowledgeable people quickly determined that this was probably any village in the vicinity of Zelenodolsk. Even found paranormal researchers who suggested that Sokolov speaks of the Sisters or Shihazda, near which, as it is believed that an abnormal zone is located – hence, they say, and the dead forest. Could the supposed snowmen appear in this a mysterious place? On the one hand, some cryptozoologists believe that yeti are relic hominids, that is, they have only survived to primitive people of our days (the most fantastic version to tell). On the other hand, it is believed that these creatures have supernatural nature and penetrate us from a parallel world. In this case, an abnormal zone, which may well be fraught with itself and “moleholes”, the most suitable place to appear in it all kinds of mysterious entities.
A photo from open sources
Experts in the field of abnormal phenomena recall a curious a story that happened in Tatarstan about seven years ago. Residents villages near Arsk were then harassed by snowmen. IN one of the days there was a car accident on the road, and in place representatives of the State traffic inspectorate left the incident. When they photographed the consequences of an accident, something fell into the camera lens weird. From the grove in the background of the resulting photo (see photo above) a tall and dark humanoid figure peeps out, as if observing the actions of people. Curious that the staff traffic safety services discovered a mysterious the silhouette in the picture only three months later. So the yeti in these places – a fairly common phenomenon.
By the way, note that Bigfoot for some reason terribly hates dogs, and the latter are panicky afraid of him. That is why Igor Sokolov concludes that the Yeti appeared in the Tatar village, and not some familiar wild beast. This is confirmed and frightened residents …
Bigfoot Snow