From January 1, Russia may switch to electronic passports

“FromA photo The Federal Migration Service has prepared from open sources draft decree according to which electronic plastic card Beginning January 1, 2015, it will become the main identity card in the Russian Federation. This project is published on the official training portal. normative and administrative acts. It was previously reported that e-passports will be issued to Russians in the pilot regions since July 2015, and throughout the country – since January 1, 2016. Issuing It was planned to start electronic internal passports in 2014, and from January 1, 2017, the issuance of current paper documents. “Introduce from January 1, 2015 main identity document of a Russian citizen Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation, issued in the form a plastic card with an electronic storage medium containing fixed on it in visual (graphic) and electronic personal data of a citizen, including biometric personal data, “the document says. In 2015 FMS expects to issue 300 thousand electronic certificates personality. In the explanatory note to the draft regulatory act it is reported that its implementation will require the allocation in 2015 of 200 million rubles from the federal budget, which will be fully compensated in 2015 due to the fee for issuing a certificate personality.

A photo from open sources

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