From the world of dinosaurs: their species were much smaller and even frogs ate them

From the world of dinosaurs: their species were much smaller and even frogs ate themA photo from open sources

It’s hard for people to imagine what happened on Earth dozens and hundreds of millions of years ago. But they are constantly striving reconstruct those events based on archaeological excavations, for example, in this regard, dinosaurs who were very lucky dominated our planet for many millions of years and therefore left many skeletons that help us create an idea of ​​that distant era.

At the moment, our civilization has many skeletons of various dinosaurs reconstructed mainly from found fragments. Based on this, all dinosaurs qualified by species, maximum data has been collected about each, which allowed scientists to write many books, make documentaries, and even feature films (Jurassic Park) films about ancient dinosaurs.

However, according to paleontologists from California today University, the species of dinosaurs actually was significantly less, some of them simply did not exist. But what about the skeletons, the curious reader will ask? Skeletons, of course, are, and this irrefutable evidence that such a particular dinosaur once really existed. Here are just their types could be much smaller than scientists imagined before.

The fact is, California paleontologists argue that young dinosaurs (and this is confirmed by recent studies) are not they looked like their adult relatives, which led to a mistake, allowed scientists to divide one and that species, say, into two, or even into three and each one has its own name. In fact, Americans say, it’s safe to say today that, at least one third of the known dinosaur species are simply not existed.

Madagascar Frog Frogs

But the Australian paleontologists of the University of Adelaide did its amazing discovery from the world of dinosaurs. They found on the island of Madagascar the remains of a frog, which, in their opinion, ate dinosaurs. She has already been given a name: Beelzebufo ampinga – The Beelzebub Frog.

A photo from open sources

Of course, it was not gigantic, commensurate with huge dinosaurs, that would be too much for our science, who already hardly believes in miracles and in every possible way from them disavows. Just the frog Beelzebufo ampinga was pretty large, approximately from a modern wolf, but most importantly – possessed powerful jaws and strong teeth, and therefore could well eat dinosaur cubs.

According to researcher Mark Jones, the jaws of such a frog could produce pressure commensurate with the jaws of modern large mammal predators. Such a tool did Beelzebufo a serious predator, and she could eat not only cubs, but also small species of dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs Islands

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