Photo from open sources
Zinovieva N.B.
Article Two
It would seem that time is such a stable characteristic of our of being. Hours, minutes, seconds – everything is subject to the strictest control using special devices and the impression the impossibility of either slowing down or accelerating their course. But time from time in the media messages appear incredible content – someone fell into the “temporary hole” young, left the old man or disappeared for a few days, but for him it seems like less than a second, etc. Fairy tales? Well no! All this is quite real things if you take for reference every cell of a living certain energy substance, but not naturally formed in this material world, and who is the messenger of some other world in which they act other laws. In a living two seemingly incompatible things were combined – decay and synthesis, matter and energy. And the main thing is balance the balance of these components that living organisms are struggling trying to support. But the motion of the decay of matter, its speed essentially determined by the passage of time. Matter – the essence of time – two sides of one whole. In the conditions of the material world, time moves unidirectionally from the present to the future. If we define another world from which the energy substance comes from, and we say that there are other, directly opposite laws, then theoretically time there should go in the opposite direction (from future to present) adjusted for a certain relativity of these concepts. So, in terrestrial conditions, where combined matter and energy substance nurtured in every living creature, time must flow in different directions: and forward, and back. How can it be? Mutual compensation flows. An energy entity cannot radically turn time, forces only enough to slow down its course. But this enough to warp space. It’s possible imagine a balloon with an invisible shell. The more energy is “blown” into it, the more quantitatively and qualitatively, life conquers from dead matter “place under the sun”, the more it bends space. This curvature certainly upsets the balance in The universe. And what does this threaten us with? Apocalypse! Breakthrough curved space. Where to? Yes to that primordial kingdom world energy essence. To reunite with our “historical Homeland. “The Apocalypse, about which so much is written and spoken, – this is not a flood, not an earthquake, not a pole change, not a threat from comets and meteorites. This is a natural consequence of life. Her the logical final act is actually what it is here for appeared. The gap in space and the flow of accumulated energy into the bosom that originally gave birth to it. But! Here I want to put some exclamation marks !!!. Life in biological form wise and cunning. And not really torn back. Apparently in she has already fabulously settled for a long time in the material world and migrates from one part of the universe to another. Now in the media focuses on the ancient megaliths and other large-scale structures, obviously not built by us, and by representatives of other, possibly alien civilizations – pyramids, stone lenses, etc. What are these objects, what are their destination? Why were they built? But they are intended to collect and redistributing the energy produced by living things with the goal firstly, to prevent a gap in space; secondly it miracle energy is quite suitable for utilitarian purposes. AND maybe our solar system and created artificially by some humanoids as an energy substation. And they are not interested minerals, and the products of our life – living energy concentrated in the form of a field around our planet. AND all UFOs “graze” our planet as a watchman guards the entrusted to him an object. Neither come into contact with us nor fight is not part of their interests. What conclusions can we draw? Time is a moving thing. Condensation of living energy results in acceleration or time dilation. Therefore, near megalithic objects it happens especially noticeably. Especially gifted people can force thoughts to look into the future. We are really someone else’s project. But not as much scientific as production. Our planet is crammed all sorts of devices that pump live creatures energy beyond our solar system. It says that there will be no apocalypse, which is already good. And, Apparently, this energy has unique properties. Can be and we try to take advantage of the benefits that we do it yourself? This will remove the dependence of mankind on hydrocarbons and will improve the quality of life.
Time Universe Life End of the World Solar System