German surgeons forgot in patient 16 items

A photo from open sources

In Germany, surgeons left 16 items in the pensioner’s body during the time of the operation to remove the cancerous tumor. As a result of negligence physicians, the patient died in “terrible agony”. Everything happened back in 2009 year in one of the clinics of Hanover. Doctors conducted an elderly man through named Dick Schroeder prostate tumor surgery glands, promising that he will live “at least another six years.” However, literally a few months after discharge, the condition The 74-year-old man deteriorated sharply. Arriving at the pensioner’s house the nurse was shocked to see the remaining after sticking out of the wound operation piece of gauze. As a result, the man was rushed to a clinic where 16 different objects were found in his body, including which needles, a bandage 15 cm long and a piece of a surgical mask, reports with reference to foreign sources. For removing foreign objects two more operations were carried out, as a result which revealed that the cancer continues spread out. As a result, Schroeder passed away last year from complications caused by cancer. At the moment, his relatives demand to collect 65 thousand euros from the clinic in which it was held negligent operation. According to family rights activist Annette Corinth, “so many foreign matter left in the body patient, has no precedent in medical practice. ” also denied the claims of doctors who claimed that a pensioner supposedly he “swallowed” all these items after the operation. “A family the deceased spent a lot of money on care and medicine. Took place gross negligence, which probably caused complications and brought death closer, “the publication quotes Annette.


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