Photos from open sources of
In German Bavaria there is a completely small town of Nördlingen even with medieval streets and so familiar for that time sharp spiers of churches. It seems like a regular settlement of Germany district scale. But this is not entirely true, this town is special, it differs from thousands of similar ones in the world in that it stands on diamonds.
Here, almost everything in diamonds is a real diamond world. TO For example, the local church of St. George is made of zuvite, i.e. from a breed with numerous interspersed diamond chips. So, by According to researchers, in this cathedral at least 5 thousand carats the purest diamond …
A photo from open sources
And so in everything, diamonds are everywhere and everywhere, but they are so microscopic that do not represent any economic values, they can neither be collected nor separated from the breed. But what is it Where did this miracle of miracles come from?
According to German scientists, approximately 15 million years a huge meteorite fell back to this place, turning with arising upon impact of powerful thermal and force impact indigenous mineral rocks in a myriad of tiny diamonds. So here it is a “diamond” foundation for the future city Nerdlingen.
In this case, even the fact that found in Diamonds are practically impossible in Europe; most of them are mined in Africa. Against the background of all this data, a statement by scientists that the volume of diamonds in the city of Nördlingen is estimated at 72 thousand tons, causing real amazement.
But do not be surprised, in this world everything is relative. For instance, in sea water there are almost all the elements of the periodic table, even gold. If you take the Black Sea, then in its waters is approximately 270 thousand tons of this valuable metal. But how to extract you, by chance, do not know him? ..