A photo from open sources
If you think Soviet plans for turning from north to south Siberian rivers the craziest “geographical” idea in history, then you probably haven’t heard of even more grandiose and crazy German project of the twenties. Within its resident of Germany wanted to drain the Mediterranean Sea to create a new part of the world under called Atlantrop, which could challenge Asia and even the American continent.
Such an ambitious idea came to a prominent head in 1927 German architect and philosopher German Zergel, who wanted create the so-called concept of the three great “A”: Asia, America and Atlantrops. The world would be divided into three conventional parts, and Atlantrop, obviously could have influenced the other two.
Zergel intended to block the Strait of Gibraltar with one dam, thereby fencing off the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. With another dam, he planned to block the Dardanelles, dividing Turkey into Asian and European parts. Alternative option implied the unification of the dam of Sicily with Africa, than would cut the sea in half. So it would turn into isolated pond. Due to the fumes, the sea level would drop by a hundred meters, and its area would have become less by twenty percent. The receding water would leave behind six hundred thousand square kilometers, that is, a territory comparable to two Italy. The exposed virgin lands would be inhabited by European and African peoples.
Second Action – Sahara Landscaping
Zergel’s plans were not limited to this. As the second field The Sahara Desert performed for experiments. The architect suggested greening it through desalinated water and creating Sahara seas. Another artificial sea, the Congolese, would be obtained by flooding the Congo Basin. African climate thanks to this, it would become soft over time, and on this continent many Europeans would have settled, having brought their foremost to Africa culture.
A photo from open sources
At the mouths of the rivers eight were to be built. hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of one hundred ten gigawatts. For comparison, even today the total the installed capacity of all US power plants is a little less.
According to German plans, Europe and Africa could be connected power lines, as well as numerous freeways and by railways. Where the sea water has recently splashed there would be thousands of cities and agricultural farms. The construction of the dams was supposed to take ten years, and A quarter of a million workers will be involved in this business. Water, by the way, it would evaporate slowly, only a meter a year, and the final result of this project could only be seen our generation at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Hitler did not want to drain the Mediterranean Sea
Empire Atlantrop was called to unite the intellectual Europe’s potential and technical excellence with inexhaustible natural resources of Africa. Both here and there would appear millions work places. The financial strength of such a continent could literally crush both Asia and both Americas together taken.
European technocrats, scientists and politicians refused support the German project. His associates became only some colleagues, German intellectuals and entrepreneurs, wishing to derive material benefit from this.
A photo from open sources
The inhabitants of southern Europe were generally shocked by such ideas, since could not imagine their life without the Mediterranean Sea. After all, the exception Zergel wanted to do only for Venice by drawing a bypass to it channel. Yes, and the inhabitants of Africa, which is almost all at that moment It was a European colony, no one even asked. Perhaps only a German could possess such selfishness in his desire redraw the world.
When Hitler came to power, German Zergel began to search support from the Nazis. However, it turned out that the Fuhrer had his plans for dividing the planet, and the architect was banned promote your crazy ideas. However, after the end of the Second World War Zergel continued work on the project and search like-minded people. He did this until December 1952, when he was hit by an unknown driver’s car (he disappeared). Through a few days after this, Herman died, and went with him to the next world and this extremely crazy, and at the same time truly great idea.
Africa Water Time Germany