Photos from open Sources Ancient bomber, which flew during the Second World War II, appeared in the sky over the UK. He was seen several residents of Derbyshire.
For example, Helen and Richard Jepson spotted this plane when drove by car to rowley. Helen noticed that the plane some antediluvian, flies very low, then look – it will collapse on the ground. At some point, the plane and the car almost caught up, and it seemed to the woman that one could even reach out with his hand. And so here the couple looked at each other in surprise because the plane was flying completely silent, he looked like a ghost.
A little later we saw a strange plane on the A52 highway near Derby. According to driver Richard Burley, versed in military aircraft, it was an old plane, certainly not modern “Lancaster,” such bombers have long been decommissioned. One this circumstance attracted the attention of the british. However consider he couldn’t make a good plane, because he flew very low and therefore constantly “hiding” behind the trees. And this fantastic the flying object made no sound …
As soon as the news appeared in the local press, authorities officially confirmed that no flights that day in the area passed, so the plane of times long past war, rather of everything, was actually a ghost. That’s just how he managed manifest in our time – no one has ever found an explanation for this. But after all, a Malaysian Boeing disappeared a year and a half ago with two hundreds of passengers (watch the video about it), where and when will appear or at least somehow manifest now? Maybe this one the ghostly bomber disappeared from our world at one time …
War Time Aircraft