Photo from open sources
Probably everyone who is interested in the mysterious phenomena of our lives, knows about the legendary Italian ghost train, which disappeared on June 14, 1911, but since then until now they have seen him now at one, then at the very opposite end of our immense planet, for example, several times he appeared even in Russian Crimea. However, few people know that such phantom compositions “walks” along the railway branches of the Earth countless a bunch of.
Two real deaths under the wheels of ghost trains
And although these ghost trains are most often not visible to the simple eye, the worst thing is that people die under their wheels. Literally several years ago, mushroom pickers from the village of Balakivka Vologda areas found on an old railway line that led to peat mining, long time no longer working and abandoned, downed by train to a man. Moreover, a blow when a person collides with a train was so strong that the man was literally torn to shreds. However, when investigators arrived at the scene, they were in no less shock than mushroom pickers. It turns out the last train is here passed over twenty years ago, which is more eloquent than any documents spoke rusty rails, almost completely overgrown with grass. The cause of the death of the man has not been established, although to bring down only those passing at high speed could mutilate him a train…
Photo from open sources
No less strange was the death of the Minister of Railways Of Turkmenistan, Hamurat Berdyev, which occurred on June 14, 2001 in Ashgabat. According to the official version, the official did not I noticed an approaching shunting train, and therefore fell under it wheels. However, the driver of that locomotive during the investigation claimed that he saw a minister shot down by some unknown force, as if before his train flew yet another – a ghostly one. And really on the locomotive allegedly knocked down the minister, no traces were found accident – no blood, or even microparticles of the clothes of the deceased. Then who or what hit him if the death of a person came precisely from collisions with a train – it is proved by medical examination. And why is it the minister, an experienced railroad worker, suddenly seemed to go blind and deaf, not Noticing an approaching train? However, the case is still not closed, since the Prosecutor General’s Office of Turkmenistan, leading him, cannot investigation rely on indistinct testimony of the driver …
Tales of ghost trains by train drivers
If the first two stories are recorded, and therefore they can called real-happening, then many of the tragedies on the rail ways, mysterious and inexplicable from the point of view of the drivers who were their witnesses, simply attributed to the carelessness of the dead or even suicide.
Photo from open sources
For example, the driver Vladimir Donskoy, who worked at Railways of the Moscow Region for more than thirty years, says that he survived six accidents that killed people, and three of They do not lend themselves to any logical explanation. People too close to the edge of the platform, often “sucks” under the composition a stream of air. That is why the drivers are constantly honking when approaching the platforms. And such a tragedy happens very simply: the flow of elastic air from the locomotive pushes the person close standing to the edge of the platform, then intuitively rests his foot, trying maintain balance, and practically repelled, after which enters the rarefied air zone and therefore falls under train wheels. However, always – under the wheels of the second car. it elementary laws of physics.
So, says an experienced driver, he witnessed as three people sucked in an air stream in front of the nose of his train, as if a ghost train was flying in front of her, which created a shock wave. For example, on one platform Donskoy noticed a girl who stood on the very edge. He gives a signal, she takes a step back, and then falls under the wheels, as if some force pushed her under the train. And next to her there was not a soul, so that, for example, push and Donskoy’s train couldn’t hit that girl yet air wave.
Photo from open sources
And there were three such cases in Donskoy’s practice. In all of them investigators concluded that the victims committed suicide. And when the driver went to the parents, relatives of the dead and argued to them that there was no suicide, he had considerable trouble with the judiciary. Donskoy himself, despite the fact which is an experienced railwayman, always cautiously crosses over railway tracks, carefully inspecting and listening to to your heart. And he doesn’t forget to cross himself …
Other cases with ghost trains
A few years ago, an unusual incident occurred on the railway road near Novgorod. At one of its sites, the goods seemed to be unreasonably slows down, despite the fact that dispatchers provided him with a green path. But somehow strangely burned semaphores, which alerted the experienced driver. In the end, the train at low speed approached the scene of the tragedy – on rails lay man and woman cut in half.
During the investigation of candidates for this accident, except for stopped no goods were found, because all the trains on this section of the road sweep at a speed of ninety kilometers per hour. And that means that not one of them could cut the corpses so neatly – fragments of bodies would have to be collected on sleepers by tens, or even hundreds of meters. For this reason, the investigators decided that the goods were walking at low speed, knocked down a man and a woman, and then surrendered back. Moreover, the oaths of the driver and his assistant that they do not did, were not taken into account.
Photo from open sources
Once, the writer V. Krapivin also witnessed how the mystical train suddenly appeared as if from nowhere. It was antediluvian locomotive, which had not run on the railway for a long time ways, especially on modern rails. An old steam locomotive surfaced literally from the air and pulled from there black wagons, obviously passenger, because they looked through a chain of window the lights. Moreover, the writer emphasizes, it was not a mirage, since all present with such a miracle felt under their feet trembling of the earth from the sound of wheels, besides, the smell was clearly heard coal burning …
Scientists are trying to somehow explain the phenomenon with ghostly by trains, proving that they cannot be phantoms, at least because they knock people down, they really rattle on the ground, and on Italian ghost train once even jumped explorer this unique phenomenon, jumped and perished forever. it happened on September 25, 1991 near the Ukrainian village of Zavalichi, and the reckless scientist was Vasily Leshchaty.
For example, I.Pacey, a topology specialist at Moscow State University, believes that the fault is the ramified railway network that has enveloped the whole planet. And since the Earth is round, this network has turned into a metal sphere capable of bending space and time. Therefore, ghost trains are not a question of mysticism, but rather plurality of parallel worlds. However, secrets on our planet, as they say, do not count, just look below a documentary to understand this …