Photo from open sources
Giant jellyfish, also known to medieval fishermen as Mantras of Nomura’s (Nomura’s Jellyfish), are found in our time. True, these meetings are quite rare, but at the same time the eyewitnesses are so shocked that they cannot but share their impressions with other inhabitants of the planet.
Most interesting post by one of the Austrian divers (the name, unfortunately, has not been preserved), which he observed in 1953, how a huge brown jellyfish easily swallowed comparatively big shark. According to the diver, it was some kind of gigantic cryptid unknown to science.
In confirmation of the words of the Austrian famous divers Pat Boatwright (Pat Boatwright) and Richard Winer described an unforgettable meeting with jellyfish that took place in 1969 in Bermuda area. Some of these astounding creatures reached 30 meters in diameter, and their tentacles extended tens of meters. And if true, what are these monsters capable of swallow the shark, then they could well be the cause of extinction people (albeit not all missing) in the Bermuda Triangle. So that the Facebook users call “storm” Bermuda triangle in September of this year does not look so harmless …
A photo from open sources
In 1973, the ship Kuranda accidentally collided with a monstrous jellyfish, which as a result of this collision was on deck of the ship. With the help of hoses, the sailors sensed her overboard, but the terrible creature managed to sting one of the crew members, and soon he died of wounds. Examining the Monster Left Mucus revealed that it was the Lion’s Mane jellyfish (Lion’s Mane Jellyfish). This species is generally known to science, but no one could have suggested that his representative could be so huge (although this jellyfish did not compare with that described by Pat Boatwright and Richard Wiener).
A photo from open sources
An even more tragic incident occurred in Japan, where reports about huge jellyfish that are superior in size to people, appear quite often. This time a man turned to the police who claimed that jellyfish attacked his wife and child and ate them. According to him, in diameter these monsters were larger than a car, not to mention their creepy tentacles. The man was arrested, so how the police decided that he himself killed his family and now he wants lay the blame on some mythical jellyfish.
However, the investigation has come to a standstill, since the bodies of the dead are not were found, and a polygraph showed that a heartbroken man does not lie. And if again we recall the testimony of an Austrian diver, who saw a jellyfish swallow a shark, you can only be horrified to what hidden dangers await us in the seas and oceans. AND even on the beaches, because the ill-fated Japanese family swam on shallow water…
As for the latest news on this topic, literally on days off the coast of Cornwall UK gigantic jellyfish (see video below). True, cameraman Dan Abbott, who filmed these beauties, assures that barrel jellyfish that annually sail to the shores of foggy Albion, absolutely not dangerous to humans …
Huge jellyfish and modern science
With any cryptids, things are very difficult for science, since she needs irrefutable evidence of their existence, and not the stories of witnesses and not even photo and video materials. Though, if we turn, for example, to the topic of giants who once lived on Earth, the many huge human beings found in America skeletons did not at all prove their existence. Remains giants were simply destroyed so as not to interfere with traditional scientific submissions.
A photo from open sources
What can I say about some jellyfish! Even allowing the possibility of their existence (in 1870, sailors described a similar creature as long as 46 meters is more than a blue whale, the largest animal on the planet), orthodox scientists they talk about such monsters … as mutants. Well, the mutations themselves can be caused by anything, even climate change on Earth … However, we do not know at all what fantastic creatures live in the depths of the oceans, as now its animal the world is studied by no more than 5 percent. And what can we say about the past century …
Sharks Bermuda Triangle Cryptids Monsters Japan