Giant California Sea Cucumber or Holothuria Parastichopus californicus is a unique natural phenomenon. is he uses the anus as a second mouth, despite the fact that he also has a real mouth. Photos from open sources Scientists have previously known that shallow marine invertebrates that live close to the Pacific coast of North America, use the anus for breathing. Since they have no lungs, it is used for breathing. water-vascular ambulacral system, which consists of many channels running throughout the body. Branched bags, with through which holothurians breathe, they receive oxygen when water injected into the anus with rectal muscles. Half meter holothuria, which lead a predominantly immobile lifestyle and even a permanent home for some small inhabitants seabed, can pump up to 800 milliliters of water each hour. The body of these animals eliminates oxygen from the rest. components of sea water and saturates them with their cells. Dr. William Jackle (William Jaeckle) from Wesleyan University of Illinois and Richard Strathmann of Washington University decided to study these amazing creatures in more detail. They found that the blood vessel system connecting branched respiratory bags with intestines (the so-called rete mirabile), is not intended to transport oxygen to intestines. From a scientific point of view, it would be more logical to assume that this structure is needed to transfer food from the anus to the intestine, and not on the contrary, as is usually the case in animals. Zoologists decided test your hypothesis. In order to confirm my hypothesis, researchers fed several giant sea cucumbers radioactive algae that contained iron particles. FROM using this trick, the team was able to trace all the way that makes food on the echinoderms. Also radioactive particles accumulate in that part of the body where the hole is located, through which creatures eat food. Research results demonstrated that holothurians feed mainly through mouth. But the high concentration of radioactive particles and iron is also observed in the rete mirabile structure, which proves use of anus by the sea cucumbers as a second mouth. It turns out that the anus in these creatures performs as many as three vital important functions: respiratory, nutritional and excretory. Scientists argue that studying only one species of sea cucumber is not means that only they use the bipolar method of nutrition. Later zoologists intend to study other species of echinoderms. results studies were published in the March issue of the journal Invertebrate Biology.