Giant sloths or aliens dug these amazing caves?

Giant sloths or aliens dug these amazing caves?A photo from open sources

In some northern regions of South America you can find hundreds colossal caves and tunnels. Anyone can safely pass according to them, however they were created, most likely, not by man, and even not as a result of geological processes.

Huge marks left on the floor, walls and ceiling of these caves say that they were dug by giant sloths, or in scientific megateria. At least this opinion is inclined scientists.

A photo from open sources

The first such assumption was put forward by Professor Heinrich Frank of Brazilian University of Hamburg. At the beginning of this millennium the specialist found out about a similar cave after it was accidentally found during construction work in the Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul. Previously similar underground cavities are only occasionally mentioned in the scientific literature, and explanations of their origin no one gave.

As a result, Frank and his colleagues discovered more than one and a half thousand tunnels, some of which exceeded half a kilometer in length. The longest of them had a length of more than 600 meters. Each the cave was supposedly excavated by dozens of giant individuals sloths for many generations.

A photo from open sources

Megateria originated in the New World for approximately 35 million years. back. The height of adult animals reached 6 meters, and the mass – several tons. Thus, they were the largest in all the history of our planet terrestrial mammals, not counting, of course, mammoths.

Who and why dug these mysterious caves?

People of science still cannot explain why prehistoric monsters dug up such long and complex mazes. Nornoy animals that needed to hide from the weather and predators, such huge intricate caves, reminiscent of a kind of underground cities are just not needed. That is why some alternative researchers suggest that actually astounding labyrinths were created by aliens or representatives of developed ancient civilization. True, again, it is not clear – for what?

A photo from open sources

This corroborates the fact that the mysterious tunnels under land have an unusual geographical distribution. They were found and continue to be found exclusively in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. However, it is known that megateria lived throughout South and North America. Where does such selectivity come from? And most importantly, why in none of the data caves were not found the remains of giant sloths? It turns out that the caves were still digging sloths …

A photo from open sources


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