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The number of exoplanets discovered by scientists, i.e. planets, located outside the solar system, has already exceeded 3,700. Researchers are sure that such celestial bodies should be huge (almost countless) number, and many of them are for sure suitable for living complex organisms, including humans. A large part of these astronomical objects was discovered NASA’s Kepler Space Observatory. Ironic that german mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler, in whose honor this telescope, in its vision of the universe did not take into account the existence of exoplanets.
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But in them, no doubt, the Italian monk and philosopher believed Giordano Bruno, who is known to have been burned for him too bold for that time beliefs at the stake. He was firmly convinced that the universe is centerless, while the stars are distant luminaries like the Sun, and other planets revolve around them. Where did this person get such knowledge from in the 16th century, say difficult, but the fact remains: it was Bruno who outlined the basics modern cosmology, unlike Kepler and Copernicus, which considered the universe as a spherical object with a single luminary in the center.
Why did they actually burn Giordano Bruno?
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It is believed that a prominent Italian thinker was executed for his pluralism and defiance of church dogma. However, what exactly is not did the clergy like the words of the learned monk? Historians today put forward a curious version that Giordano attracted attention inquisitors stubborn allegations of existence in the universe a huge number of planets suitable for human life. it happened 3 decades before the church warned against the spread of such ideas of Galileo Galilei. In 1597 the Inquisition condemned Bruno’s words that the Earth is in constant motion. His hypothesis of star-planet systems he called countless worlds mentioned in surviving court records.
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Giordano was condemned by jurists, bishops, theologians. Against him 9 saints, 5 church fathers, 3 popes and even the emperor took up arms. That that Bruno spread knowledge about the existence of other worlds, represented a great danger to the Christian faith (at least least, the church fathers thought at that time, although time proved the fallacy of such fears). The charge of such a “heresy” mentioned by the inquisitors more often than others. The Italian was a Lutheran, and it was simply forbidden to offend them in Rome. Moreover, the monk zealously adhered to Catholic beliefs and could be considered in those times an exemplary pilgrim. The church had no rights blame him for heresy and blasphemy, but the Inquisition could not allow someone to believe in the existence of worlds other than of our planet. Similarly, she, for example, could not allow the existence of another messiah besides Jesus Christ.
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The philosopher put forward more bold hypotheses, from which even eminent modern scholars and theologians are denied, calling for this reason Bruno is not a scientist, but an ardent occultist (see in this video below). For example, he was convinced that the Earth is a living being endowed with a soul, and people are just fleas on body of this organism. During the trial, the great thinker XVI century repeatedly refuses to renounce his words, continuing to insist that the earth is nothing a remarkable celestial body, and of such planets, also living cosmic souls, there is an endless multitude in the Universe.
Time Universe Life Exoplanets