Due to their transparency, many of them become, practically invisible to enemies and invisible to future victims. These glass or transparent animals are very different from their own. bright brothers, but this makes them truly unique and a bit fantastic. Опистопроктовые A photo из открытых источниковThe eyes of this fish are those green balls that are set up through transparent head. And what at first glance seems like eyes – on in fact, the sense of smell, something like a nostril.
Indian glass shrimp because of its transparent shell, it is also called a ghost shrimp. They live in fresh water and are excellent “orderlies”, so they are often used to clean food debris in aquariums. Фотоиз открытых источников Стеклянная лягушка Фотоfrom open sources In appearance, these frogs are no different from others (green and with big eyes) until you look at her stomach. Through it, you can perfectly see the internal organs frogs – liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes even eggs in females. Бабочка Грета Ото Фотоfrom open sources These butterflies are also called glass because of large transparent wings. They live in forests in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. For us, they look exotic, but in those terrain is the most common type. Crocodile белокровка Фотоfrom open sources These fish, like many other albuminous, distinguished by the absence of scales and their colorless blood, in which erythrocytes and hemoglobin are absent. They live in coastal cold waters of the Antarctic region. Щитоноски Фотоfrom open sources No, this is not jewelry like you at first they thought it was a golden tortoise beetle. Distinctive a feature of these insects is a transparent shell and the ability to change your color depending on the circumstances. Сальпы Фотоfrom open sources Salps are known for their unique life cycle – throughout life they can exist as individual individuals, so be part of the total organism, linking their bodies in one single chain (photo below). underseahunter.com Морской огурец Фотоfrom open sources This holothurium of the species Enypniastes eximia so transparent that its entire digestive system is visible. Кранхииды Фотоfrom open sources Depending on the type, the size of the glass squid range from 10 cm to 3 m (some specimens colossal squid exceeded 10 m). Фронима Фотоfrom open sources Fronima – a parasite that travels and grows offspring in the trunk of another creature. They usually choose the salp described above and, with the help of the impressive front claws, fronts cut out their insides, leaving empty barrel-shaped structure. Then they climb inside the salp and travel across the seas and oceans along the way receiving food and water. Cyanogaster noctivaga Фотоfrom open sources This new species of fish was discovered by ichthyologists in 2011 in a tributary of the Amazon – the Rio Negro River, Brazil. This fish, about 10 mm long, completely transparent, with bright coloring only at the head and belly. Морские ангелы Фотоfrom open sources Angels – a species of predatory gastropod molluscs that feed, oddly enough, to hell. A massive concentrations of these mollusks can serve as food for toothless whales and seabirds. Саламандра Бартон-Спрингс Фотоfrom open sources This species of salamander is on the verge of extinctions, since they live only in clean waters Barton Springs, Austin, TX. They practically have there are no pigments, and the skin is very thin, which makes them a little transparent. Двуусый индийский стеклянный сомик Фотоopen source Asian glass catfish is one of the most transparent vertebrates on the planet (at least famous). They live in quiet ponds along the coasts of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Translucent Creep Gaeotis flavolineata Фотоfrom open sources Why semi-slug? Because he is halfway between snails and slugs, which is connected, first turn, with the structure of the shell. Half-slugs have a small green shell, which is much softer and smaller than that of a snail, but not so small as to be considered its rudimentary organ The surface of the body of these gastropods is covered with a transparent mantle, which gives them a glowing look. Transparent Horse Spider Photo from open source Transparent riding spider was discovered in Ecuador His funniest ability is in the eyes, beyond whose movement can be observed due to its transparency body.
Angels Water Peru Fish