Gloomy Sunday – Suicide Anthem

Gloomy Sunday - Suicide AnthemPhotos from open sources of

We are used to the fact that some kind of image can be mystical, a ghost or fact, for example, for no apparent reason suddenly shoved man and burned to the ground in two or three minutes. Sometimes animals (chupacabra), some afterlife look mystical vote. But it turns out that even the beautiful can be mystical melody.

The song “Gloomy Sunday” (Szomorú vasárnap) still wears the stigma of the hymn of suicides, although today few people know this mysterious piece of music. But in the thirties last century, this was the most popular song in the world, it was recorded in over a hundred languages ​​of the world and there seemed to be no such country wherever people sing it.

The mystic appeal of a killer song

The song “Dark Sunday” possessed two truly mystical signs that are still puzzles for researchers paranormal phenomena:

– firstly, its incomprehensible popularity still puts in dead end musicians and composers. But in the late thirties in America alone, thanks to this work, like mushrooms clubs with the same name grew. At the Paris Wax Museum figures appeared an exposition of the composer of this mystical song, on one of the international exhibitions was shown the piano in the form of a skull with the name “Gloomy Sunday.” Even Coco Chanel under the impression of this song created an extremely austere and black “death suit”;

– secondly, from this melody people massively went crazy and committed suicide. Only in one Hungary – the homeland of this songs – police reports are full of hundreds of similar facts. People dying to the sounds of a mystical song or holding its text in their hands.

Whistling musician

The most amazing thing is that the same mystical person was Hungarian composer Rezhre Sheresa, who wrote “Dark Sunday. “In Budapest, where he lived his whole life, he has there was the glory of a “whistling musician.” The fact is that he did not know musical literacy and was able to hardly play the piano by two with your fingers. However, this woe-musician worked as a taper in restaurant “Little Pipe” (Kispipa Vendéglő), where he held most of the day, successfully entertaining the audience and even writing songs that he could not even sing because of his hoarse voice.

The song “Gloomy Sunday” Sheres wrote in 1935 at the request of his friend Laszlo Yavor, who broke up with his girlfriend and grief composed a poem. So it was put on this mystical melody.

Mystery man

More rarely Sheres was a mystery man, and in everything. He is all his life earned money playing the piano, completely unable to play On him. His appearance was, to put it mildly, unattractive, almost comical. However, his wife Helen was one of the most beautiful women of Hungary. For the sake of this beggar and ugly the person she was two heads taller Helen threw his rich handsome husband – a slender officer, behind whom dragged all the women of Budapest.

Sheres was a goal like a falcon, however after his death in New York the bank has tens of millions of dollars left – fees for the song “Dark Sunday”, which he did not dare (or did not want) receive. By the way, despite the fantastic popularity of his The anthem of suicides all over the world, in Hungary itself no one even knew that this song was composed by Rezhre Sheres. Moreover, according to researchers of his work, Sheres created much more interesting songs than “Gloomy Sunday”, but not one of them became popular and did not even go beyond Hungary.

And finally, Rezhre Sheres also committed suicide – he jumped out of the window, it happened in 1969. No one can to say what role his mystical melody played in this, the true causes of his suicide are unknown. But what’s interesting is restaurant “Little Pipe” without a “whistling musician” immediately lost his charm and lost almost all of his visitors …

By the centenary of the Hungarian composer, German filmmakers made a feature film – “Gloomy Sunday”, which was warmly received by the audience. Below you can see a fragment of this films, it just sounds a mystical song of a mysterious composer.

A life

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